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Race Tue Jan 12 2010
Soldiers for Stroger Fliers
These two fliers have been lighting up the blogosphere. You see posts at Capitol Fax, Illinois Review, Newsalert, Chicago Current, and there's even one at Instapundit about these fliers.
Rich Miller mentions the flyer in terms of the news that Rep. Bobby Rush, who he says is "infamous for his race-baiting ways," will endorse Stroger. Then goes back and says that Rush would "have a tough time topping a group called 'Soldiers for Stroger,' headed by Gator Bradley, which is distributing some pretty nasty fliers on behalf of the board president."
For the County Board President's part in this story, at least he is attempting to keep himself distant from the messages on these flyers:
The Stroger campaign released a statement late last night denying any involvement.
"The Stroger for President campaign did not produce or distribute the flyers in question. The Stroger campaign does not endorse or condone this type of behavior or activity," it said.
I posted here a video about Black religious leaders attempting to drum up support for Todd Stroger. The concern there as it appears to be here is that without Stroger, blacks could lose the County Board presidency.
You know it just seems so easy to pull the race card!
ks / January 13, 2010 1:15 PM
Interesting but extreme flyer. And because of this and all the crap he has reportedly done the last few yrs, with some exceptions . . .
In the Spirit of Black History Month and Dr. King's Birthday I Plan On NOT Voting Todd Stroger President! (He Didn't Offer ME a Job!)