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IL-SEN Tue Jan 19 2010
Hoffman Slam and New Ad in IL-SEN
On the same day that the Giannoulias campaign puts out an ad called "Heart" that features his sweet mama talking about her boy's big heart, the Hoffman campaign sends out a somewhat squirmy email to their supporters taking shots at an unnamed opponent, comparing his (or her) character to Blagojevich's:
In the wake of the Blagojevich scandal and upcoming trial, it's easy to look back and say, "If I knew... I woulda done this" or, "I coulda done that" or, "I shoulda done this." Let's not make the same mistake again, and put someone of questionable character up for President Obama's former Senate seat.
The campaign seems to be playing on the buyer's remorse most Illinoisans feel about electing (or at least re-electing) Blagojevich, and Hoffman's campaign has spent a lot of time raising questions about Giannoulias' character. Hoffman got strong endorsements from the state's two biggest papers; this kind of attack--which doesn't even have the conviction to name names--is unfortunate, even if considered necessary. Given what by any measure is Hoffman's own strong character and record as an outsider and antagonist of the system, voters may have been better served by getting a glimpse at Hoffman himself, and hearing what's to date been unspoken: the villain of Hoffman's narrative isn't Giannoulias or Blagojevich but Richard M. Daley. Funny, we haven't heard much of that. Given the Mayor's unpopularity, particularly in Cook County suburbs where he's basically considered an omnipotent boogeyman, Why isn't AKPD, Hoffman's campaign media advisors, working on that?
There are legitimate questions about Giannoulias' handling of Bright Start to be asked and answered. But I have trouble believing that Hoffman himself or his campaign leadership genuinely believes that Alexi Giannoulias has Rod Blagojevich tendencies.
Here's that Giannoulias ad:
and Hoffman's new ad, which fortunately does talk about Hoffman:
David Goldberg / January 20, 2010 6:08 AM
Giannoulias is the one with a questionable character. He lost millions for IL families investing in the Bright Start fund. Giannoulias should be behind bars, not running for office. He is scum, he will lose.