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Chicago Tue Mar 09 2010

Westboro Baptist Church Embarrass Themselves


Activists demonstrate against the Westboro Baptist Church.

The Westboro Baptist Church, a hate group that chartered themselves as a church to get away with their harassment of Queer groups, Jews, military families and others, conducted a tour of Chicago on March 8th.

The group of five lonely haters targeted Jewish centers, protesting everything more modern than the middle ages at Hillel's at UIC and the University of Chicago before holding their signs outside of the Israeli consulate.

Hundreds of queer rights activists rallied against the Westboro group. Activists used humorous and satirical signs to mock WBC. UIC student Jason Connell used the appearance of the hate group to raise money for queer rights groups such as Human Rights Campaign, International AIDS Foundation and Chicago based Jerusalem Open House. Donations were named in honor of the Westboro Baptist Church and community thank you cards will be sent from the non-profits to WBC leader Fred Phelps. Connell called it a, "Lemons to Lemonade" situation.

Kurt Esslinger Lee, an Presbyterian ordained minister from the UIC Agape House Christian Campus Ministry said, "We don't care so much about this group of hate, we know that they are not going to listen to anything we say. What we are care about is the closeted, afraid LGBTQ students around UIC who are are taught to hate themselves to think that god is also loathing them, so we reaching out to them to break through that ignorance."


Activists demonstrate against the Westboro Baptist Church.

Video of the event is available through Dogstar7's Youtube Channel.

Satire of WBC is at the Youtube Channel of CrazyPastorFred.

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Allison / March 9, 2010 8:47 PM

The whole purpose of religion
is to facilitate love and compassion, patience,
tolerance, humility, forgiveness.

Dalai Lama

God's Wrath / March 11, 2010 1:29 AM

Kurt Esslinger Lee, a Presbyterian ordained minister??? This must be a typo. Church of Satan perhaps.

Satan / March 11, 2010 12:02 PM

@gods wrath
Sorry, Kurt is not a member of my church. However, I'll be seeing your homophobic ass in the lake of fire soon.

BigDaveyB / March 12, 2010 12:24 PM

Yes love, compassion, and patience are some of God's attributes, but so are anger, wrath, and jealousy. God is a righteous, sinless being who cannot allow sin into heaven. There would not be a gosepl, which means "good news" unless their was bad news first. The bad news is that we ALL are under God's wrath until we repent of our sins and truth Jesus to save us.
Yes homosexuality is a sin in God's eyes as well as lying, stealing, lust, etc. Anyone who lives as a homosexual is not agreeing with what the Bible teaches and therefore will not repent of their sins and put their trust in Jesus.
These people are definitely not doing God's work because they seem to think their sins were any different then a homosexuals. Their sins are far worse. God's wrath might be against all who have not repented, but it is His love that draws them to Himself.

Rev Kurt / March 20, 2010 5:28 PM

Actually, a same-gender sexual orientation is neither a choice nor a sin. Any other notion is a misinterpretation and misunderstanding of scripture.

"Homosexuality" is neither mentioned anywhere in the Bible, nor was it even a concept at the time of its writing. What was once assumed as the literal sense is now understood as one of many possible interpretations. These interpretations have more to do with social constructs than they do with inspiration of the Spirit.

Thankfully, the Church is now hearing the beginnings of a movement away from this harmful ignorance. Such interpretations will soon be little more than blemishes on the history of the church in the same vein as legitimation of slavery and requiring Gentiles to be circumcised to receive salvation (Acts 10:15).

EarleyDaysYet / March 27, 2010 5:06 AM

Rev Kurt: just playing Devil's advocate, how can "those who lie with a man as with a woman" be otherwise interpreted? (I know that's in the middle of a whole book of "stone the outcasts", "beat your rebellious children", "don't eat shellfish" and other Laws the New Testament superseded, I'm not arguing for validity or context.) Just asking, what alternative interpretation is there?

Youasked / March 29, 2010 6:56 PM


I will take you at your word that you are playing "Devil's advocate", and will then point you to one of the best answers to your question that I have ever read "Letter to Louise".

It is long, but written by a mature, heterosexual Baptist minister who did a lot of research.

I encourage you to read the whole letter, but if you find that too long you can skip to Appendix "B" to see his treatment of various Biblical passages, which aligns with a lot of other scholars.

In Appendix "B" you will see the passages you refer to, and you will see that these are part of the Jewish "Purity Laws" that were religious, not morality laws. In other words, the Jewish people were not supposed to do them, but Gentiles would not "go to hell" for them. Most of these laws we do not follow today, as you pointed out.

I have read a lot on this topic, and most of the people that really study the texts and go back and research the words written and the situations at that time tend to agree.

TranslationsRDifficult / March 31, 2010 2:25 PM

@Early Days Yet...

Translating involves more than lanaguages, it involves culture, society, and time periods. The KJV (and the Council of Trent) came about in the early 1600's. That's over a thousand years after the original author. And then there's the whole Spoken Word to written Hebrew to Greek to Latin to English translating situation.

"those who lie with a man as with a woman" could mean people in drag or more specifically, guys in drag who try to trick someone into thinking they're a woman.

piranha / August 30, 2010 3:12 AM

These people are definitely not doing God's work because they seem to think their sins were any different then a homosexuals. Their sins are far worse. God's wrath might be against all who have not repented, but it is His love that draws them to Himself, by piranha

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