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IL-SEN Mon Nov 08 2010
Mark Kirk Becomes Senator Nov.23, A Week After Senate Reconvenes
One important thing to remember about Senator-elect Mark Kirk: he was actually elected twice on November 2nd. Once for the normal six year senate term starting in January, and once to finish the last few weeks Sen. Burris's term. Both The Wall Street Journal and Politico have good writeups of when Kirk will drop the "elect" in his title. Here's The Wall Street Journal's Danny Yadron:
State officials told Washington Wire that the five-term Republican, who defeated state Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias in the contest for President Barack Obama's old Senate seat, can't fill his new post until Nov. 23, a week after the Senate convenes for the lame-duck session. The reason for the gap: Illinois election officials need time to certify the vote.
Mr. Kirk will miss a week's worth of cloture votes, a bummer for the congressman who campaigned that he would be the "42nd Republican senator, with the opportunity to put the brakes on any lame-duck overreach." He even created a separate website for the issue, saveusfromthelameduck.com. Mr. Kirk's office had no immediate comment on the dates.