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Obama Sun May 01 2011

How President Obama Is Going To Play Rope-A-Dope With Trump To Get Re-elected

By now most everyone is familiar with the Trump Presidential Show. His questions about President Obama's birth certificate as well as his questions about Obama's academic record have made him quality fodder for late night talk show hosts.

But after reading a Bloomberg Businessweek story about Trump here and then seeing President Obama have some fun with Trump at the 2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner, as well as C-SPAN cutting to a non-smiling Trump during the President's jokes about Trump, I realized that the President wants Trump to get into the race and is going to do things that will force Trump to get into the race. He is going to try and make it so Trump's ego forces him into the race.

Why? Because Trump running for the Republican nomination is going to end up being a scorched earth campaign. Trump would have to take hard shots at the others running, and would have the money to do it. In turn, the other candidates would have to do the same thing to Trump, starting a viscous circle. You don't have to be the ghost of Lee Atwater to figure out where Trump's weak spots would be with some conservative voters. So even if he were to emerge as the winner in the primary, I don't see an energized values-oriented voter base working hard to elect the married three times casino owner as president.

So in what would likely be a shortened Republican Primary calendar, you are going to have a bunch of candidates taking lots of shots at each other. So the winner emerges bloody and quite likely broke.

So, Mr. Trump, if you want someone else to be president besides Obama, don't run.

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Martine / May 1, 2011 9:41 PM

I would very much like to see Obama's birth certificate. After searching the web, I have seen no picture of it, and no impartial official claiming to see it. After the question has been raised, Obama will have to finally produce it. You know, Obama can put an end to all the speculation, and just show everyone. We do have that right. If Obama respects the citizens of this country he will show us proof of him being an American.

msgijoe / May 2, 2011 5:13 AM

Martine is one of those folks who do not believe in government...and therefore does not believe the State of Hawaii when its officials state it has the record of Barack Obama's birth.

tara / May 2, 2011 5:26 AM

Ok so why did it take Obama so many years to produce this in the first place? It was obvious that the birth certificate was going to come out in the end anyways. I smell a coverup!

WAJ / May 2, 2011 11:05 AM

If you're the Obama campaign, of course you want to talk about Trump and birth certificates, etc...

The alternative would be to talk about record unemployment, failed stimulus, food and energy inflation, etc...

Sarah / May 3, 2011 12:12 AM

Oh my god, are these people for real? Can all the birthers please move to Texas or something? You're an embarrassment.

M / May 5, 2011 3:52 PM

Yes Tara, in 1961 there was a conspiracy to someday elect a dark skinned person with the name Obama as president of the United States. So a fake birth announcement was printed and the right people were paid off. Because, ya know, that was so goddamn plausible at the time.

Tara, your real question should be, "Ok so why, for three years, did certain Americans cling to the disproven and ridiculous notion that the president is a foreigner?" The answer is because they're xenophobic idiots who literally celebrate their own ignorance. After all, when they spit out the word "elite" it isn't the rich they're criticizing. It's the educated.

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Parents Still Steaming, but About More Than Just Boilers

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