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Pop Culture Fri Jan 17 2014

Chicago Says Hell No to Revenge Porn Kingpin Hunter Moore

By Fruzsina Eordogh

Hunter Moore, the most well-known face of revenge porn and consequently the "most hated man on the Internet," just had his DJ gig at Lincoln Hall canceled after public outcry on Twitter and Facebook.

"In spite of an outside promoter's announcement, we never booked or confirmed a lineup for the Feb 15 event. Hunter Moore will not be appearing at Lincoln Hall," wrote the venue in a statement on their Facebook page. Party planners Porn and Chicken had originally booked Moore. Lincoln Hall was unreachable for official comment on Friday.

Moore became famous for his now-defunct website back in 2009. was not just any porn website; its content was primarily user-generated pictures submitted by scorned exes and hackers and the community on the site was encouraged by Moore himself to publicly shame and bully the person whose nudes were on display without consent.

Besides hosting these nude photos, the name, social media profiles and any relevant information like address, phone number and workplace of the person were posted for the sole purpose of the community harassing said person, including calling up that person's boss. Hence, the term "revenge porn" and why Moore proudly calls himself a "professional life-ruiner" for thousands of women. Moore shut down the site in 2012 pending an FBI investigation and was banned from Facebook, but he remains on Twitter sharing pictures of his sexual escapades, selling merchandise, promoting his DJ gigs and encouraging his 500,000+ followers to bully his critics.

Which brings us to about 24 hours ago, when the feminist, party and music scenes got wind of Moore DJing at the Porn & Chicken "Born to Bang" event at Lincoln Hall on February 15 and began tweeting their anger and disappointment, as well as plans to boycott, at both the venue hall and Porn and Chicken. Outrage over his booking even reached as far as Texas and the Middle East.

"I've seen many shows at LH and am attending tonight, but if Hunter Moore remains on this bill, it might be the last time," tweeted Kat O'Rly, the host of WLUW's Monday night radio show Destination Unknown, one of more than a dozen vocal critics of the booking. (O'Rly has since locked her Twitter account, fearing retaliation from Moore and fans.)

Nicolette Meyer, a senior dog trainer at AnimalSense Canine Behavior and attendee of more than 10 shows at Lincoln Hall, also took to Lincoln Hall's Facebook page and Twitter to protest.

In a series of private messages about her tweets and Facebook posts, Meyer explained the booking angered and saddened her because "Any place that ignores the outcry of their patrons and allows someone who literally benefits both financially and socially from the abuse (mental and emotional) of women to [perform] in their venue is not a place that I would feel comfortable frequenting or supporting any longer."

Indianapolis resident but frequenter of Lincoln Hall shows Leah B., who goes by @CircleCityStyle on Twitter, was a bit of ringleader, trying unsuccessfully to make the hashtag #nomoorelincolnhall trend.

In a series of private messages, Leah said the whole thing is just beneath Chicago and Lincoln Hall in particular and called Moore a "symbol of bullying and rape culture." She gets the debauchery image Porn & Chicken is going for, but "there's a line, they crossed it, and they attacked people who called them out on it."

Moore wrote a vulgar tweet to Leah, but deleted it.

hunter moore lincoln hall rape tweet

The biggest problem DJ the Tornado, who by day is a prevention educator at a local rape crisis center, had with the Moore booking is what he calls Moore's perpetuation of rape culture, where revenge porn is akin to an act of sexual violence.

"When Porn & Chicken booked Hunter Moore to appear at their party, they were contributing to the normalizing of men's violence," he said in an email, explaining the booking was "[condoning] the violence Moore has committed towards numerous women, and the violence that Moore unabashedly celebrates."

Lincoln Hall's announcement Moore would not perform at the venue was met with mostly cheers for doing the right thing.

"It makes me very happy that Lincoln Hall chose to show respect for their patrons (women and men alike) over buying into some fucked up dog and pony show for the sake of press and notoriety," Meyer said.

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Obvious / January 17, 2014 8:24 PM

Support freedom of speech unless it conflicts with your personal values. Then take them down.

RIP to all my service member buddies who died in vain evidently.

DJ Shiva / January 17, 2014 11:25 PM

A note about "freedom of speech": the US Constitution guarantees that you cannot be arrested for speaking your mind, nor that the government can make laws targeting you for doing so.

What it does not guarantee is freedom from critique or consequence. It does not guarantee that people cannot exercise market pressures in response to your presence.

And I notice no one ever fights for the freedom of the women who have been threatened, harassed and stalked to speak. Funny that.

taz / January 18, 2014 2:30 AM

Stop watching porn!

Madame S. / January 19, 2014 4:57 PM

@DJ Shiva - there is a woman who started an organization that fights revenge port -- I'm spacing on the name, but she was a victim of revenge porn.

Btw, count me among the MANY that are THRILLED that Lincoln Hall cancelled this idiot's appearance. Chicago is too good for such classlessness.

Amanda / January 19, 2014 8:17 PM

Buffalo had no problems having that piece of shit here at an 18+ event this weekend. Which mind you there was many children there...teens under 18 in the club as well as VIP with that trash bag Hunter Moore. Police did nothing...lazy sob's.

gerrymander / January 23, 2014 11:51 AM

@DJ Shiva -- "What it does not guarantee is freedom from critique or consequence. It does not guarantee that people cannot exercise market pressures in response to your presence."

The logical extension of this argument is that Hunter Moore's revenge porn website should have been welcomed as an venue for legal criticism of women's bad decisions. It did, after all, exert literal "market pressure" -- people paid for the website, and having pictures and identifying information published by a photographer is a consequence of having pictures taken.

Since that conclusion is obviously wrong, and not what you intend, you might want to consider that speech intended to incite mob justice should be decried regardless of the speaker's intent. The anger and calls to boycott Lincoln Hall over a situation they could not have known about is no more just than revenge porn. There is no "it's different when we do it".

LS / January 23, 2014 2:00 PM

Really, Obvious? Your fellow servicemembers - including the women - fought and died so some a**hole could hack your (or your sister's, mother's, daughter's, wife's) computer, steal pictures and contacts, stick her head on a naked body and email it to her boss, partner, children, neighbors, friends, and call her a wh*re?

Yeah, they totally died in vain then.

He's cost women their jobs, their relationships, he posts their addresses and encourages local men to find, stalk, and rape them. Sometimes, people are just terrible criminals, we don't have to make everything a debate about "freedom" and the constitution. Jail would be too good for him. He should be destroyed and humiliated a thousand fold more than his he did to his victims.

acer / January 23, 2014 2:29 PM

It looks like Hunter Moore is finally having a bad day.

Nicolette / January 24, 2014 11:07 AM

@ OBVIOUS, your comment about service members dying in vain actually cheapens the sacrifice that many have made for our nation's freedom. This issue isn't about 1st amendment, it's about the systematic harassment of women and the violation of their privacy. Hunter Moore can say whatever the fuck he wants to, what he CAN'T do (and what the FBI has indicted him for) is steal people's identity, hack into their email accounts, and illegally obtain private property and information and post it in a public forum.

I'mma use my first amendment right now: Get your facts straight, you fucking ignorant FOOL.

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Parents Still Steaming, but About More Than Just Boilers

By Phil Huckelberry / 2 Comments

It's now been 11 days since the carbon monoxide leak which sent over 80 Prussing Elementary School students and staff to the hospital. While officials from Chicago Public Schools have partially answered some questions, and CPS CEO Forrest Claypool has informed that he will be visiting the school to field more questions on Nov. 16, many parents remain irate at the CPS response to date. More...


Substance, Not Style, the Source of Rahm's Woes

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It's not surprising that some of Mayor Emanuel's sympathizers and supporters are confusing people's substantive disputes with the mayor as the effect of poor marketing on his part. It's exactly this insular worldview that has gotten the mayor in hot... More...

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