Gapers Block has ceased publication.

Gapers Block published from April 22, 2003 to Jan. 1, 2016. The site will remain up in archive form. Please visit Third Coast Review, a new site by several GB alumni.
 Thank you for your readership and contributions. 


Monday, February 17

Gapers Block

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Big Chicks, a gay friendly bar at 5024 N. Sheridan, is close to getting shut down on Tuesday by the city. They lost their patio liquor license last summer and have been fighting since then to get it back, as well as a liquor license for tweet next door (which is an awesome weekend-only organic brunch place). Michelle Fire, owner of Big Chicks for the past 18 years, has had her requests turned down by the city even though she had approval from neighbors, aldermen, state senators and representatives, and city committee members.

Big Chicks' next-door neighbor is a laundromat, which was recently purchased by a developer with plans to turn the location into a high-rise. Fire is hoping to get the order to close released, and to increase her chances she's asking for her supporters to join her at the hearing which is scheduled Tuesday morning at 9:30 am with the License Commission at the Daley Center (66 W. Washington, Room CL 95). If you want to show support but are unable to make the hearing, she'd love to have you address a letter as follows:
Winston Mardis
Mayor's License and Liquor Control Commission
66 W. Washington St. Room CL-95
Chicago, IL 60602
and fax it to Greg Harris at 312/744-0804 before 4 pm on Monday, Nov. 24. Alderman Mary Ann Smith will enter your letters into the record during her testimony. added 11/23 to add: You can also sign an online petition.

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