Gapers Block has ceased publication.

Gapers Block published from April 22, 2003 to Jan. 1, 2016. The site will remain up in archive form. Please visit Third Coast Review, a new site by several GB alumni.
 Thank you for your readership and contributions. 


Monday, February 17

Gapers Block

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Sustainable Seafood @ Shedd Aquarium

Chow down on seafood prepared by chefs Carrie Nahabedian (NAHA) and Sarah Stegner (Prairie Grass Cafe) tonight at the Shedd Aquarium. Les Dames d'Escoffier is hosting an event titled "Sustainable Seafood" that showcases the chefs' recent trip to Alaskan native fishing villages. 6pm, 1200 S. Lake Shore. Tickets $50-60.

An Evening with Refugees @ Danny's

Refugee Experiences: Sharing Stories from Bhutan, Nepal, Nairobi and Chicago

Stop by Danny's ( 1951 W Dickens Ave) tonight at 6:30 pm and enjoy an evening with refugees and refugee advocates sponsored by the Human Rights Watch Chicago Network.



Puspa and Bal Krishna are two Bhutanese refugees who have recently been resettled to Rogers Park. They will be sharing their experiences from the refugee camps in Nepal where they lived for most of their lives, and will explain the conflict between Bhutan and Nepal. Puspa and Bal Krishna will also be addressing their struggles and successes since their arrival here in Chicago.

Anne Sweeney, Chicago-based Co-Executive Director of Heshima Kenya, will discuss the unique challenges and threats faced by orphaned and unaccompanied refugee children. Heshima Kenya is based in Nairobi and provides comprehensive social services and care to these children, especially adolescent girls.

Sweater Workshop @ Loopy Yarns

Every Monday 6:30pm to 8:30pm at Loopy Yarns.

This great yarn shop has all of the luxury of a knitting boutique with the friendliness of the "Cheers" bar. Their weekly Monday Workshop is perfect for sweater knitters to gather, to get the help & guidance and the support you need through your project. Just come to work on your sweater or feel free to bring any questions or slip ups that you just can't quite figure out.

Extra Golden @ Empty Bottle

With two members from Kenya and a couple of American indie-rock veterans in its ranks, the band Extra Golden has been turning a new generation of listeners on to the vibrant sound of benga music. The group's released two albums via Chicago's Thrill Jockey label, and their new EP Thank You Very Quickly offers up a new batch of crowd-pleasing grooves. While political difficulties in Kenya have prevented the band from traveling the past couple of years, they're now crossing the U.S. for the Stateside stretch of their international tour, and will be playing at the Empty Bottle this evening. The Chicago outfit Icy Demons opens. Everything gets underway at 9:30pm and tickets are $12. 1035 N. Western.

Big Read: Fahrenheit 451 Book Discussion

Join other Big Read participants to discuss this year's selection, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. Free and open to the public, 1pm-3pm, at Columbia College's library, 624 S. Michigan Ave., 3rd floor. For questions, email Marilee Cass, mcass[at]colum[dot]edu.

Post-it Note Reading Series

The Hideout, 1354 W. Wabansia, hosts the Post-it Note Reading Series tonight at 8pm, featuring featuring animator/illustrator Arthur Jones, This American Life contributors Starlee Kine and David Wilcox and artist Derek Erdman. Tickets are $8 at the door or in advance; doors open at 7pm. 21+



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