Gapers Block has ceased publication.

Gapers Block published from April 22, 2003 to Jan. 1, 2016. The site will remain up in archive form. Please visit Third Coast Review, a new site by several GB alumni.
 Thank you for your readership and contributions. 


Wednesday, February 12

Gapers Block

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Chicago Art District 2nd Fridays

It's the second Friday of the month, which means galleries and studios in the Chicago Art District (aka East Pilsen, centered on Halsted & 18th streets) are open from 6pm to 10pm tonight. Free. Details here.

The StatiCCreep Exhibition of Sequential Art Opening @ Las Manos Gallery

Chicago has a bastion of sequential artists that enrich the world of comic books through the imprint the city leaves on them -- a certain noir factor absorbed through brick and steel-heavy architecture, inky black alleys and a history of subversive characters has worked its way under their skin. Las Manos Gallery will be the vessel holding more than one hundred original, hand-drawn and painted pieces by more than twenty of these artists. Participating artists include: Alex Wald, Andrew Pepoy, Chris Burnham, Corinne Mucha, Doug Klauba, Hilary Barta, Heather McAdams, Jeffrey Brown, Jenny Frison, Jill Thompson, Tony Akins, Nicole Hollander, Mike Norton, Mitch O'Connell, Sarah Becan, Dave Dorman, Nicole Hollander, Tim Seeley, Lucy Knisley, Gary Gianni, Steve Krakow and Bill Reinhold. The opening reception is tonight at Las Manos Gallery (5220 N. Clark St.) from 6 to 10pm.

Heads On Poles Opens @ Western Exhibitions

Heads on Poles features over 60 local, national and international artists organized by the Chicago-based artists Paul Nudd and Scott Wolniak. The artists, ranging widely in discipline and style, were invited to produce sculptures loosely based on the formula of Head On Pole, in any material. In the side room Terence Hannum's drawings, paintings and video installations cull the periphery of heavy metal and hardcore music subcultures to analyze the nexus of music, myth, audience and ritual. Both shows run through February 19. The opening reception is tonight from 5 to 8pm, which is free and open to the public. Western Exhibitions is located at 119 N Peoria St.

The Illusionist @ Music Box

The Music Box presents The Illusionist, the new film from the makers of The Triplets of Belleville made from a screenplay by French film legend Jacques Tati. The film begins screening this evening; see the Music Box Website for a complete schedule. Music Box: 3733 N. Southport. (773) 871-6604.

Marwencol @ Film Center

The Gene Siskel Film Center presents a week-long run of the 2010 documentary Marwencol, the story of illustrator Mark Hogancamp and his attempt at piecing together his life after a brutal attack. The film screens this evening at 6pm, and runs through Thursday, January 20. See the Film Center's Website for a complete schedule. Film Center: 164 N. State Street. (312) 846-2600.

Freddie Gibbs @ Metro (Tomorrow Never Knows)

The Gary, IN native rapper will be telling his tales of surviving life on the streets as part of the Tomorrow Never Knows Festival, happening around town at various venues. Shad and Rita J will open. Tickets are $15, the show is 18+ and doors open and the show starts at 9pm. 3730 N. Clark St.

The Spirit Molecule @ Portage Theater

The Spirit Molecule a "poetic interpretation of the elusive and enigmatic compound, DMT", premiers in Chicago tonight at 8pm at the Portage Theater (4050 N. Milwaukee). Following the screening, there will be a Q & A with the director of the film, Mitch Schultz. Tickets are $10.



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