Gapers Block has ceased publication.

Gapers Block published from April 22, 2003 to Jan. 1, 2016. The site will remain up in archive form. Please visit Third Coast Review, a new site by several GB alumni.
 Thank you for your readership and contributions. 


Thursday, February 6

Gapers Block

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Blog Fri Sep 06 2013

Help Wanted: Arts & Culture Writers


Are you crazy about comedy? An admirer of art? Got a thing for theater?

Gapers Block is looking for writers to contribute at least two posts (interviews, previews, reviews, etc.) a week about Chicago's diverse and vibrant arts and culture scene. Including the aforementioned, topics could feature other arts-related subjects such as dance, photography, sculpture, fashion, spoken word and more.

NOTE: Gapers Block is a volunteer entity; while the position is unpaid, writers benefit from building clips, having press access to performances and events, and receiving comp tickets from time to time.

If you are interested, please send us a note telling us a little about yourself, along with 2-3 current writing samples to

LaShawn Williams / Comments (1)

Event Thu Sep 16 2010

Nouns and Verbs Alongside Some Really Pretty Pictures

Former Gapers Block writer and photographer extraordinare, Brian Leli, has started a website called Noun/Verb where he posts his interviews with and profiles of interesting artists of all sorts, among other things. "Noun/Verb is devoted to artists and their actions," he explains. "Those driven to look further inside and out, to inspire and to be inspired--Noun/Verb explores boldly passionate individuals and the things that they do."

A substantial part of this project will be the "Live Talks" series, which is what it sounds like-- live interviews with artists in public places. The first of the series, an interview with Matt Shaw of The Spend, will take place tomorrow evening at The Hideout. Click here for details on that event. Whether or not you're not able to make it out to that, definitely keep an eye on Noun/Verb and keep your ears peeled for future Live Talks events.

Kelly Reaves

Art Thu Apr 01 2010

Friending Museums on Facebook: Features, Benefits and Community

FacebookArt.jpgFacebook isn't just a way to keep up with friends' breakups, makeups and favorite 30 Rock quotes anymore--many businesses and organizations are finding this ever-changing social network to be a great way to more intimately and conversationally connect with their devotees.

If art galleries were looking for a closer way to connect with the public, a Facebook page is like placing their own personal cork board in every coffee shop in the city.

Here are some examples of that connection and why you should be their "friends."

The Art Institute of Chicago (35,271 fans)

Interviews with various curators leading fans through new collections; updates to their ARTicle blog; schedules of guest speakers; travel arrangements for out-of-towners and photo uploads from patrons are just a few of the features the Art Institute will have pop-up on your feed, sporadically of course. If you delve deeper in their profile you'll find their most recent hours, various social media sites (from Flickr to YouTube), links to new exhibits and a pretty phenomenal photo gallery.

Continue reading this entry »

John Lendman / Comments (1)

Photography Wed Feb 24 2010

"When Does Similar Become Too Similar?"

J.M. Colberg, the author of the contemporary photography blog Conscientious, spent the last few weeks exploring issues of similarity and plagiarism in art. In what appears to be Colberg's final post on the matter for now, Chicago-based photographer Brian Ulrich submitted an interesting exploration of his thoughts on the matter as it relates to his artistic practice. [You'll need to scroll down a bit to see Ulrich's material.]

David Schalliol / Comments (1)

Art Tue Feb 16 2010

115 Art Blogs

Chicago Art Magazine asked Claudine Ise from Bad at Sports to reveal all the art blogs on her RSS feed. Her list of 115 blogs can be seen here.

Whitney Stoepel / Comments (4)

Blog Wed Feb 03 2010

Winnie Mandela Not Happy About Hudson


Image Courtesy of

Jennifer Hudson's meteoric rise from Chicago's South side to Hollywood really is the stuff dreams are made of. From her days as a contestant on "American Idol" to her Academy Award-winning turn in 2006 in Dreamgirls, Hudson has continued on the road to a burgeoning career in movies.

But even rising starlets have to hit a bump in the road; for Hudson, the "bump" comes via Winnie Mandela, ex-wife of former South African president, Nelson Mandela.

Continue reading this entry »

LaShawn Williams / Comments (7)

Literary Tue Nov 10 2009

Chicago's New Literary Community

Wednesday, November 11 at 4:30 in the Sullivan Galleries (7th floor, 33 S. State St.), F Newsmagazine and the Art Institutes's MFA Writing Department are hosting a roundtable discussion about Chicago's burgeoning new literary community. Featuring novelist Kyle Beachy, playwright Chris Bower, blogger Jac Jemc, Assistant Director of the Neighborhood Writing Alliance Mairead Case, Quickies! founder Lindsay Hunter and Featherproof Books founder Zach Dodson. Moderated by MFAW Department head Sara Levine.

Whitney Stoepel

Blog Mon Mar 23 2009

Andy Dick on Public Radio

Over at the WBEZ Chicago Public Radio Blog, local radio host and improv superstar Jimmy Carrane interviews Andy Dick on his show "Studio 312."

Dyan Flores

Photography Fri Dec 05 2008

Photographer Seeking Photography

Photographer Daniel Shea recently moved to Chicago from Baltimore and would like to learn more about the city by checking out Chicagoans' photography. If you have something you'd like to send him, let him know.

David Schalliol

Art Fri Dec 05 2008

Friday Flickr Feature


This painting was created and contributed by MartinJon.

Join the A/C Flickr Pool!

Jamie Smith

Art Tue Nov 11 2008

Getting into Trubble

tccover.jpgThe Trubble Club is a group of local artists -- Al Burian, Lilli Carre, Ezra Claytan Daniels, Anya Davidson, Lucy Knisley, Rachel Niffennegger, Burnie McGovern, Onsmith, Laura Park, Aaron Renier, Grant Reynolds, Becca Taylor, Jeremy Tinder, Marco Torres and others -- who get together once a week to create collaborative comics, with each one contributing one panel. The result is often beautiful and almost always utterly surreal.

The Trubble Club recently produced a comic book collecting a bunch of their strips. It's available at Quimby's for just $3.

Andrew Huff

Blog Tue Sep 09 2008

Welcome Elizabeth McQuern

As sad as we are to see The Bastion go, it brought a wonderful opportunity to Gapers Block's doorstep: Bastion co-editor Elizabeth McQuern has joined the staff of A/C, covering -- what else? -- Chicago's comedy scene. Her first post is below.

"Trying to cover all of Chicago comedy for the Bastion became too big a job before long, and now I just want to write here and there about stand-up shows from my insider's perspective -- and by 'here and there' I mean 'less frequently,' not 'all over the internet,'" she says. We're glad to give her a place to do it.

Andrew Huff

Stand-up Sun Sep 07 2008

The Last Bastion

Sad news for the comedy and improv community: The Bastion is closing down due to the overwhelming schedules of its primary writers, Elizabeth McQuern and Kristy Mangel. McQuern shares more of the backstory as to why it's shutting down rather than switching to a new editor here.

Here at A/C, we'll do what we can to cover the scene, but it will pale, at least in the short term, in comparison to what the Bastion has done. It will certainly be missed.

Andrew Huff

Blog Tue May 13 2008

Bey on What's Going On

Dawoud Bey, Chicago-based photographer and professor, has a new blog, What's Going On," covering photography as well whatever other topics strike him; his most recent post about the city's racial segregation and its effects on the local art scene puts an interesting perspective on a long-simmering issue.

(Found via Brian Ulrich's blog, which is well worth reading in its own right.)

Andrew Huff

Blog Tue Apr 01 2008

Help Wanted

You may have noticed that A/C has been a little thin on content. That's because it's running on a bit of a skeleton staff. We'd like to change that. Interested in helping out?

We're looking for writers to submit a minimum of two posts a week on arts & culture topics. Subjects could range from theatre and dance to art and photography, film and fashion and more. We aren't able to pay, but you'll have access to press performances and comp tickets from time to time. If you're interested, please email Andrew at

Andrew Huff

GB store

Architecture Tue Nov 03 2015

Paul Goldberger Describes the "Pragmatism and Poetry" of Frank Gehry's Architecture in His New Book

By Nancy Bishop

Architecture critic Paul Goldberger talks about Frank Gehry's life and work in a new book.
Read this feature »

Steve at the Movies Fri Jan 01 2016

Best Feature Films & Documentaries of 2015

By Steve Prokopy

Read this column »


An Angry White Guy
AREA Chicago
ArchitectureChicago Plus
Arts Engagement Exchange
The Art Letter
Art or Idiocy?
Art Slant Chicago
Art Talk Chicago
Bad at Sports
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Bridgeport International
Carrie Secrist Gallery
Chainsaw Calligraphy
Chicago Art Blog
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Chicago Artists Resource
Chicago Art Map
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Co-op Image Group
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Creative Control
Devening Projects
DIY Film
The Exhibition Agency
The Flatiron Project
F newsmagazine
The Gallery Crawl...
Galerie F
The Gaudy God
Happy Dog Gallery
Homeroom Chicago
I, Homunculus
Hyde Park Artcenter Blog
Joyce Owens: Artist on Art
Julius Caesar
Kasia Kay Gallery
Kavi Gupta Gallery
Rob Kozlowski
Lookingglass Theatre Blog
Lumpen Blog
Mess Hall
Neoteric Art
Not If But When
Noun and Verb
On Film
On the Make
Peanut Gallery
Peregrine Program
The Poor Choices Show
Pop Up Art Loop
The Post Family
The Recycled Film
Reversible Eye
Rhona Hoffman Gallery
Roots & Culture Gallery
The Seen
Sisterman Vintage
Site of Big Shoulders
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Sometimes Store
Stop Go Stop
Storefront Rebellion
TOC Blog
Theater for the Future
Theatre in Chicago
The Franklin
The Mission
The Theater Loop
Thomas Robertello Gallery
Time Tells Tony Wight Gallery
Uncommon Photographers
The Unscene Chicago
The Visualist
Western Exhibitions
What's Going On?
What to Wear During an Orange Alert?
You, Me, Them, Everybody
Zg Gallery

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About A/C

A/C is the arts and culture section of Gapers Block, covering the many forms of expression on display in Chicago. More...
Please see our submission guidelines.

Editor: Nancy Bishop,
A/C staff inbox:



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