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Friday, July 26

Gapers Block

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So here we are, lil'camperinos, living in 2005. New Year's Eve, like that guy you "hung out with" during that frat party sophomore year where you drank way too much Bacardi 151, has come and gone. And where are you now? Hungover? Optimistic? Embarrassed because you drunk dialed your ex-whatever? Well, aren't we all?

In the days after NYE2K5, most of us ponder whether or not to develop and try to stick to a resolution. There are a lot of Classified posters who are looking to the future.

OK let's face it I'm a total cocksucker - 36
I am a total cocksucker that just loves to suck dick. I am looking for guys that strictly like to get sucked off. Str8's and married guys a definite plus. You must be absolutely clean and disease free. I love a guy to tell me what a good cocksucker I am or what a dirty fucking cocksucker I am. I love guys to get verbal with me while I am sucking them off. IF you prefer to stay quiet that is fine too. If you are interested you can contact me at seven,zero,eight,five,five,five,one,one,six,three or email me thru craigslist.

Prediction: In 2005, gay guys will still like to suck cock and will look for it on Craig's List. For reals. Nostradamus has foretold it.

Busty Hottie Wanted For Creamy Dreamy Latenite Tittyfuck - m4w - 34
Are there are any sexy, uninhibited, well-stacked females out there tonight?

Yes. Of course there are. There are two and they live in Plainfield. Twins, Tamara and Julie. And they're waiting for you.

And by the way, guy? Congrats on kicking off 2005 with perhaps the most grody headline ever. I crown you King Dirtbag. All hail.

Rebecca, I think
I think your name is Rebecca. You have long dark hair, dark eyes, and a beautiful smile. I don't remember what you were wearing, but I do know that you had on a white fur/furry coat and a long white scarf. The two of us weren't really introduced. You were sitting on the couch, next to some guy. I kept looking at you, and I noticed you looked up a few times as well, it might have been because you knew I was looking at you. I was across the room sitting on a broken chair, talking about music, but the whole time I was listening to you! You told me that I looked like Damien, from The West Memphis Three (the three kids who murdered and tortured a few other younger boys). I said something on the order of "gee, thanks."

You let out a small laugh, smiled, shurged and shook your head (all at the same time), and said "it's true.." Then about 10 minutes later, (10:15pm) you left. If you read this, drop me a line. I just wanted to let you know that I noticed you and that I think you are gorgeous!

Ah, love. Wherever you find it, it's beautiful. What wouldn't I give to have eavesdropped on this little exchange. Perhaps in 2005, we'll all be picking people up by comparing them to our favorite child murderers.

It would make life interesting. And, after all, isn't that the point?

Or maybe the fair Rebecca offered her unwelcome suitor a one-way ticket to Splitsville and he just didn't get it. While life is interesting, it's only this interesting in novels.

cyber pregnancy - m4w - 46
Are you the type of women who has daydreamed about being pregnant, maybe you have put a pillow under your dress and viewed yourself in the mirror. The course of your life ( and relationships) hasn't allowed you to carry a child, but in fantasy.... well anything is possible. Let's share the glow together via the internet. All the passion and excited expectation and no strech marks

Many of us will take this year to make our dreams come true -- even if that means pretending we're pregnant via the Internet.

You know when you're listening to a song for the 50th time and you suddenly realize it's the saddest thing you've ever heard? Yeah, that's like this ad. There isn't anything funny about it at all. I can't figure out what this guy is advertising. Is his wife pregnant and he wants to share the experience with other women? Or does he want to meet a woman so they can pretend they're expecting?

Imagine those e-mails, detailing a pregnancy that isn't yours or isn't even real. Or shopping for baby clothes that will never be sullied by spit-up. Rarely is self-delusion this unspeakably sad.

>>Looking for workout partner at Xsport Fitness at Bricktown - w4m - 25
I have a membership at Xsport Fitness at Bricktown. I am a friendly sane person looking for the same. I am looking for someone who enjoys working out with others. I am looking for someone in the age range of 20-35.I'm not an expert so there's no pressure. We can learn from each other. Ideally male but open to working out with women as well. Serious inquiries please.

The New Year can mean a new you! It's what all the ads would have us believe. And why not? We can do anything, as long as we're game for it. Maybe all we need is someone to fight the good fight with us.

Maybe in 2005 all we need is to be more optimistic. To look ahead, ask for help, and hope that everything will be better someday.

Note to Readers: Are you a trader -- or do know someone who is? Then maybe you can help me. I'm looking for a copy of Trader Monthly, a slick Maxim-eque mag for the young, hip trader on the go. If you've got one, write to me at sb<gapersblock&li;dot>com

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About the Author(s)

Shylo loves ironing, baking and dancing naked. She dreams of being a naughty housewife. Let her know what you think about Public Notice at .

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