Most of the time, Missed Connection ads, whether in the Reader or on Craig, are all about sly, winky flirting. Esprit d' escalier moxie. But sometimes it does what these Internets are famous for - finding old flames, one-night stands and people who owe you money.
Narine Zakarian - 20
Nara, where are you? I need to get hold of you!!!! Please e-mail me. Bella.
They lived on the same floor in the dorms, but weren't friends-friends. But when Nara's student loan package came up short, she decided to sell the Corolla. Bella bit. She wrote a check, Nara gave her the keys. But a few months later, Bella's dad happened to ask about the title. "Title?"
Aaron Bowers
You're a bad person. I don't hate you anymore, but I'm still a little vindictive. So, to cure this vindictive streak, I curse you with minor discomfort. That's right, I don't curse you with death or anything debilitating. I curse you to be mildly uncomfortable for the rest of your life. Take that. Ha. I already feel better.
Although several people did vote for his ad, Aaron, once again, had failed to write an ad that made Craig's "best of" list.
Looking For Todd W Moore - 46
I am looking for Todd W Moore who I lost touch with back in 1979 in NYC.Todd was an associate editor for Newhouse Publications and moved to Chicago to become an editor for a trade magazine.
Two Thanksgivings ago, Todd prepared an incredibly elaborate dinner. He even made his own marshmallows for the sweet potatoes. He set the table beautifully, everything brand-new and shiny. When he went to carve the bird, he looked at the five empty chairs, picked up the electric carving knife and cut his left hand off. Todd bled out right there, while eating a piece of pecan pie.
Wait, that was Todd F. Moore. My bad.
Oh where O where is Adam Baez - w4m - 24
I've been looking for a friend of mine for the longest!!! If anybody knows Adam Baez or his brother Elliot please, please, please, contact me!!! Adam attended Whitney Young High School in downtown Chicago. He's 25 or 26 and Elliot is 27 or 28 by now. He's a puerto rican hottie!!! lol Anywayz I miss my buds so hit me up....Thanx!
It was two years since graduation, and Lucie had watched all of her friends move away, couple up or get busy with work. She spent a lot of time watching repeats of "King of Queens" and thinking about high school. Did you know that an Orange Julius has egg whites in it?
Giovanni Rago - w4m
Does anyone know him?
Nope. Doesn't ring a bell.