Gapers Block has ceased publication.

Gapers Block published from April 22, 2003 to Jan. 1, 2016. The site will remain up in archive form. Please visit Third Coast Review, a new site by several GB alumni.
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Friday, February 7

Gapers Block

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There's always a slight sense of guilt when I am reviewing an event that was a one-time shot and has already passed. This holds especially true if said event was fabulous. Other times, there is stuff that I wish I would have written about sooner, but then I sit on my butt too long or start chasing the boy around, who is ready to pull the VCR off the shelf, and I just lose my damn train of thought. So to make up for all those times, here are some one-time events that are coming up that you might be interested in.

The Neo-Futurist's Too Much Light Kids! is back. The 30 plays in 60 minutes, geared towards children, can be viewed for a limited run at the Athenaeum Theatre, now through April 02, 2005 (hey, free cookies and milk) -- or beginning April 9 through June 25, you can see it back at the The Neo-Futurarium.

As always, a roll of the die decides your ticket price: $1-$6 for kids, $8-$13 for adults.

Over at the Morton Arboretum, you can celebrate April Fool's Day by partaking in their "Act the Fool" day. You can listen to stories, dress up in crazy outfits and win prizes.

This event is appropriate for all ages and will take place in their West Pavilion visitor center, beginning at 1:15pm with their story time.

Ralph's World, featuring Chicago rocker/children's artist Ralph Covert, will be performing at the Old Town School Town of Folk Music on Sunday, April 10, at 11am and 3pm. However, if you can find tickets or already have them, consider yourself lucky. The show is sold out, but ask around -- some parents you know may have a few to spare. Or you can always sit your kids outside the Old Town with their arms raised above their heads yelling out, ""I need a miracle!" à la Deadheads.

Also on April 10, a musical benefit for Stop the Violence and Chicago Kids Closet will take place at Abbey Pub. Stop the Violence is a child abuse prevention program; Chicago Kids Closet is a local organization which collects and distributes packages of socks and underwear to the neediest kids in Chicago schools.

The benefit will feature several kids and teen bands from the Chicago area, including The Blisters, The Tribe, Sad Panda and Sima Cunningham. It will take place from 2pm to 6pm, and is $10 for adults, $5 for children and children under 5 are free. Stop by and bring new children's socks and underwear, too.

So there you go, a few things coming your way in the near future. The way I see it, there is no point in reviewing or mentioning something if you won't be able to experience it for yourself.

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About the Author(s)

Alejandra Valera is a new mom and writer. If there's a baby- or kid-friendly place, product or event you think she should cover, email her at .

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