It does seem natural, though not entirely advisable, that we develop crushes on the people with whom we work. We white collar workers crouch in cubicles for up to ten hours a day, away from our friends and beloveds. Under such circumstances it's only understandable that the B- in accounting suddenly evolves into a stratospheric beauty. And that guy that you'd pass over in a bar? In your office, after months of everyday whatever, just seeing him is a butterfly-worthy event.
But where do these crushes go? We've all seen a few of them flower into something more lasting, but Craig would lead us to believe that most of them remain hidden, dormant, waiting for different slightly different soil.
My office crush of 6 years - w4m
The hardest thing I ever did was walk away. It took everything I had to hide what I felt inside. I knew you were the one I would not be able to forget, we will always have unfinished business. I regret not showing you who I am - maybe if I did you would have tried.U R Missed.
Greta looked around the cube farm. It was beige, not gray, and had free soda, but coffee was a quarter. But Phillip was still back on Wacker and State and she was near Harold Washington now. That was the main difference. That she wouldn't wait for him to come into the lunch room before unwrapping her sandwich and he wouldn't turn her computer on for her when she was running late. All of these things, all of these moments she thought someday would add up to something. But they didn't and she finally stopped waiting.
why do you have to be a younger co-worker - w4m - 30
You're 21. Not even out of college. And frickin brilliant. (= frickin sexy as hell.) And I spend way too much time thinking about you, wondering when you'll stop by my office with a question that I've convinced myself you've spent 15 minutes searching for in order to come up with a good excuse to come visit. I know I visit the coffee machine a lot more often on the days you are working.
Cris was so annoyed by Tracy's stupid, stupid flirtation with that DePaul intern. When he was in, Tracy's office door suddenly was propped open and she even put candy out. Cris watched Tracy's silly fawning over Drew and could not wait to go home to her husband at the end of the day.
Office crush - 23
I laugh and talk with you everyday. It is so easy to smile when were are together, but I would never even think of telling you how I feel. You have a "friend" that is a girl, and who even knows what that status is, but I do not think I am the only one that has thought something is capable of happening. Is it because we are at work or because you really aren't attracted to me?
'From all the women who have read that He's Just Not That Into You book,' Lesa muttered, over her glass of Little Penguin wine purchased on clearance from that White Hen that's turning into a 7-11 at Lake and Dearborn, 'I say move the fuck on, girl.'
JS I have a crush on you - m4w - 37
I have a crush on a woman in my office, her initials are JS.She spoke briefly with me today, I was in turn, an idiot.
Jasmine Saunders saw this ad and probably read it about 15 times before she decided to send the poster an email.
> Where do you work? Or, whereabouts?
> The Illinois Center. The tower with Fox in it.
> Hrmm. Me, too. Can you describe your JS? I think I might be she. Her?
> She's about 5'7', very curvy, with kind of shoulder length blonde hair. And she loves Sleater-Kinney. Like, really loves them.
> Meet me at the Starbucks by the entrance to Fox at 10:30 tomorrow morning. I'll be wearing my new purple coat. Surprise me.
At 10:30 tomorrow, Mike will spin Jasmine around and kiss her. And he'll be so nervous that he won't even realize until mid-kiss that she's not Jessica Stuart. And a couple of seconds after that, he won't even care.