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Chicago Public Library Wed Aug 26 2009
The Chicago Public Library: It's Not Just for Reading Anymore
I'll admit it: I'm a library junkie.
Sure, I could research everything from the comfort of my home PC, but why? Researching at home just doesn't compare to the physical library experience; there is something about perusing shelves that house hundreds of books that just gets me going. And the fact that I conveniently work and live near two of the best in the city, Harold Washington Library Center and Woodson Regional Library, respectively, is the icing on the cake.
As much as I love the Chicago Public Library system, there are some things, especially regarding internet usage policies, that leave me perplexed. Earlier this summer, a new computer policy was put in place: Effective June 1, patrons with outstanding fines or who are not in "good standing" are no longer allowed to use computers for either word processing or the internet.
Several weeks before, notices were taped on PC monitors throughout the city's libraries; however, the policy is still not listed on the system's website.
The way I see it, this policy was instituted to not only punish people who are negligent in returning library items but also to encourage timely returns. If they can't follow the rules, they shouldn't be able to enjoy any of the privileges. That's fair enough. As a regular library visitor, I certainly understand the need for this new policy, and I appreciate being rewarded for being a responsible borrower. And while this may leave some people out in the cold, rules are rules — or are they?
Obviously, for the CPL system, all is fair when it comes to pornography.
Let me get this straight: Bad book borrowers are restricted from using library computers — in any capacity — but those who watch pornography are not?
I have witnessed, on several occasions, many patrons watching "footage" on adult websites, right out in the open, with little to no regard to what's going on around them. And I'm not talking about scantily clad women in music videos; I'm talking about the real deal. I have also noticed indifferent security guards and other library staff walk around as if it were no big deal.
Apparently, I'm not the only one annoyed by this patron pornography perusal; recently, WGN aired a segment on it, and noted library staff members' acknowledgment that [viewing pornography] is a First Amendment right.
Well, we certainly can't argue with that now, can we?
As it stands, it doesn't appear anything will be done about it; therefore, I, along with countless other patrons, will just have to continue to be offended.
Well, thank goodness the CPL does have policies in place regarding child pornography.
At least that's a start. At least.
Dawn Guy / August 26, 2009 11:37 PM
WOW! Excellent piece Shawny. Short w/very clear points which is most important. Your story had me looking for my little book on the Constitution. The excerpt on library staffers accepting the illicit actions of patrons as...what?...a 1st Amendment right?..Puhleez! I was thinking; look like its time to exercise the other portion of that amendment...assemble and petition for change! Love your work!!