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Miscellaneous Tue Sep 28 2010
Do You Suffer From Too Many Books?
I know, there's no such thing. But maybe you like seeing your furniture, and want to give someone else a chance to enjoy your gently used titles.
Here's a quick list of resources for those looking to donate or sell:
- Right now, Whittier Dual Language School
- Many other public schools
- The Chicago Underground Library
- Public Libraries (rules vary by branch, best to contact first)
- Myopic Books (1564 N. Milwaukee)
- Half Price Books (various locations, all suburban)
- Salvation Army (various locations),
Brown Elephant (various locations), and many thrift stores - Little City Foundation
- Logan Square Book Exchange -- take a book, leave a book (2545 North Kedzie Boulevard)
- Open Books
Can you think of anywhere else? Let us know.
anne / September 28, 2010 1:40 PM
Evanston Public Library takes books for their book sales, but I'm not sure if they accept donations year round or not. Info: http://www.epl.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=53&Itemid=350