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Drink Wed Nov 07 2007
What's Shakin', Bacon?
Is it just me, or is bacon everywhere these days? And I'm not talking about the bacon on your "Enormous Omelet Sandwich" from the BK Lounge. I'm talking about bacon gone gourmet. Unique items like Bacon Ice Cream (Blackbird) and Bacon and Almond Brittle (Crimson Lounge) are popping up on menus at hot spots all over Chicago. And believe it or not, you can even satisfy your pork and salt cravings in liquid form.
Belly-up to the bar at Osteria Via Stato and order the Baconcello, a cocktail that mixes house-made bacon and green apple infused vodka with maple syrup and fresh lime juice.
Or, give Sepia's Bacon Bloody Mary a try. It's your basic Bloody Mary: tomato juice, black pepper, horseradish — but with bacon-infused vodka. Cheers, everybody!
Lori B / November 7, 2007 7:53 PM
There's a bacon-covered cheeseball in the Tribune's dining section today. I saw it and thought the same thing: Bacon's everywhere!