Gapers Block has ceased publication.

Gapers Block published from April 22, 2003 to Jan. 1, 2016. The site will remain up in archive form. Please visit Third Coast Review, a new site by several GB alumni.
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Monday, January 20

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Ingredient Wed Nov 07 2007

Gwiv's Gee-Whiz Barbecue Rub

Gary Wiviott, one of the co-founders of LTH Forum, is well known for his barbecue prowess — visit his site for a full "five-step program" on becoming a better barbecuer.

Now you can capture a little of his magic in a bottle — The Spice House has gotten him to divulge the secret recipe for his spice rub, which they now offer for sale. LTH user eatchicago says "it's an excellent, multi-purpose rub (works well on pork, poultry, fish, or even veggies) with the right amount of heat and no discernible sweetness (although I do not know if it contains sugar or not. I'm guessing not.)" Neither Gary nor the Spice House reveals all the ingredients, saying only that "it has a good shake of paprika, garlic, onion, oregano, thyme, a few types of chile pepper and a pinch of salt." That's a good start for those looking to recreate it themselves, but at $3.59 for a 4oz. bag, your time's probably better spent leaving it to the experts. [via]

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Feature Thu Dec 31 2015

The State of Food Writing

By Brandy Gonsoulin

In 2009, food blogging, social media and Yelp were gaining popularity, and America's revered gastronomic magazine Gourmet shuttered after 68 years in business. Former Cook's Illustrated editor-in-chief Chris Kimball followed with an editorial, stating that "The shuttering of Gourmet reminds...
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Drive-Thru is the food and drink section of Gapers Block, covering the city's vibrant dining, drinking and cooking scene. More...
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