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Review Wed May 21 2008
Market Report
Another brisk morning at the Green City Market! If you weren't one of the shivery shoppers strolling Lincoln Park in your parka, you missed even more yumminess than last week. Here are some of the highlights from this week's shopping trip:
- Red oakleaf lettuce and McCullars' onions from Kinnickinnick Farms
- Apple cinnamon pies from Bennison's Bakery in Evanston
- Newcomer Heritage Prairie Market's delicate green garlic and plump pea shoots
- Nest-laid eggs and pasture-farmed chicken from Genesis Farms
- Brunkow Cheese's raw milk products and heavenly grilled cheese
- Spigarello, gray shallots and cavolo nero from Green Acres
- And everyone's rhubarb!
Strawberries will be coming to the market soon. So, what's your strawberry-rhubarb pie/buckle/crumble/bar recipe?
The Green City Market is open from 7 am to 1 pm on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Find the farmer's market near you.