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Friday, February 14

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Feature Thu Feb 12 2009

Foodies Worth Following

I've been using Twitter for quite some time now. About a year ago, I was still trying to figure out WHY anyone would use it (can't someone just call or text me if they want to know what I'm doing?), but then I began using it professionally and it all sort of clicked. I use Twitter to stay updated on my favorite blogs, news feeds and people.

Very recently, I've began using it to learn more about food. I've found great recipes, blogs, photos and many of these have inspired me to try new things. I'm still pretty new to the combination of Twitter and all things food so I'm sharing with you my top 10 food-related Twitter resources in the hopes that you'll send me some of your favorites too. Drop me a tweet @kaitlinolson with your recommendations.


Bio: Twitter's 1st Food~Fact~Tweeter Guaranteed to pepper your day with food, wine & green facts! ~ Impress others with your food knowledge!~

Why I like them: They tweet really interesting, useful and funny facts about food - from history, tips and food-related quotes, @foodimentary will tell you just about anything you want to know about food.


Bio: RecipeMatcher helps home chefs find delicious recipes to make based on groceries they have at home!

Why I like them: I hate having my heart set on making something only to find that I don't have all of the ingredients at home. Especially in the winter when I don't want to go out in the cold to buy just one or two items. Tell @recipematcher what ingredients you have and they'll give you a recipe.


Bio: User submitted food photography, recipes and more!

Why I like them: I love pictures. I love food. Put the two together and I really love @foodphotoblog. Photos are submitted by normal, everyday people and never fail to make me hungry.


Bio: Tweet a reply to @tamaletracker when and where you saw the tamale guy and then users could be able to follow the progress by following

Why I like them: Who, in Chicago, doesn't love the elusive Tamale Guy? Follow @tamaletracker and get updates on his location. When you see one of the tamale guys, tweet his location to @tamaletracker and help your fellow Chicagoans in the search for greatness. With just 10 followers, I'm confident this will take off in the coming months and be a very valuable resource to everyone in search of tamales.


Bio: Cooking Up a Story (CUpS), a variety of shows about people, food, and sustainable living: Stories; Food News; & Cooking Fresh

Why I like them: I'm always inspired by people who are passionate about making a positive impact on the world. @cookingupastory provides information about sustainable food and living with tips on cooking with fresh and organic foods and food-related stories and news.


Bio: The cooking encyclopedia everyone can edit.

Why I like them: I was really lucky to have my mom and grandma around growing up. They're both fantastic cooks and had LOTS of patience when I wanted to help out. For those of you who don't have someone to offer guidance in the kitchen, @foodista is a cooking encyclopedia that everyone can edit. The online community will answer your questions, provide tips and share recipes.


Bio: Tiny recipes condensed by @Maureen. Serves 3-4. Delicious ideas from all over the world.

Why I like them:
I love to cook but, like most people, don't have the hours it takes to cook a meal. If I go home after work, there are usually 17 things on my to-do list and though I'd love to spend the night cooking, I frequently find myself lacking the time it takes. @cookbook provides recipes in 140 characters (or less) and the recipes tend to require minimal time.


Bio: The ultimate source for everything wine.

Why I like them: One of my many loves in life is wine. Travel, wine and mac 'n cheese. I don't know much about wine (other than what I like and don't like) and following @wineenthusiast has really helped me expand my knowledge. It also gives information on special offers and festivals.


Tweets by and for Trader Joe's aficionados.

Why I like them: I love Trader Joe's. So I was a pretty easy sell when I found them on Twitter. My favorite thing about @traderjoes is that customers share which products they like or don't like (though that rarely happens). Whenever I'm at Trader Joe's I want to try everything and I definitely refer to their Twitter page to help me narrow down my list (I can only carry so many groceries on the train).


Bio: Cooking with wine and recipes for making wine.

Why I like them: I just found @winerecipes this week. With only two updates, this one is pretty new and I'm waiting to see if it will take off. I like the concept of having a place to find recipes for cooking with wine.

Happy tweeting!

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art / February 13, 2009 9:18 AM

All this twitter about twitter has got be thinking about twittering--at least following TJ's! I'd add their chocolate covered sour cherries to the list. And their whole wheat pretzel sticks.

Andrew / February 13, 2009 10:38 AM

Also worth noting is MenuPages Chicago's list of Chicago Culinary Twitterati, listing tons of chefs, restaurants, food critics and blogs (including GB).

Kaitlin / February 13, 2009 11:01 AM

Thanks for the recommendations! Add to your TJ's list the sea salt brownies. Andrew - thanks for suggesting Chicago Culinary Twitterati, I'll definitely start following.

Ryan Rose / February 13, 2009 12:11 PM

So helpful! I just started a food twitter feed for my company: I'm learning so much!

Hillary / February 13, 2009 2:56 PM

I think this list is great - thanks! I too love discovering new foods and recipes on Twitter. I'm following a ton of foodies and you can check out my list if you go to!

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Feature Thu Dec 31 2015

The State of Food Writing

By Brandy Gonsoulin

In 2009, food blogging, social media and Yelp were gaining popularity, and America's revered gastronomic magazine Gourmet shuttered after 68 years in business. Former Cook's Illustrated editor-in-chief Chris Kimball followed with an editorial, stating that "The shuttering of Gourmet reminds...
Read this feature »

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