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Ingredient Wed Oct 13 2010
Veggie Haters to the Left
The Washington Post chronicles the progress of the Michelle Obama-inspired Chefs Move! to Schools project at a west side elementary school. Although the picture shows that Jocelyn hates the vegetables she sampled, the visit did earn some respect for bell pepper and spinach.
Veggies are a hard sell on kids. I know when I was a wee gal, vegetables were tasteless, nutrition-free experiences--iceberg lettuce smothered in Ranch dressing and celery smothered in peanut butter. It's no wonder I grew up hating the produce aisle, but as an adult I grew to adore two hardcore vegetables--spinach and beets--but only after a lot of experimentation and sampling of well-made dishes (I credit Lula Cafe's spinach, goat cheese and craisin salad as a catalyst).
Anyone else out there want to share their own vegetable-related struggle?