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Sunday, January 19
Connect Four!
These are fun:
Right now, I am stuck in the middle of NeedForSpeed: Most Wanted on the PS2.
Okay, not Right now, right now, but in my gaming world.
Right now I am at work.
I like to play Trivial Pursuit and Monopoly.
Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble, Cranium, and bar trivia! I also like the daily mental floss lunchtime quiz.
Sorry... I grew up in a family that played it all the time, and in a cruel, out for blood, pick on one person until they cry kind of way.
Also, Scrabble, Trivial Pursuits, Cranium, pit and if it counts, Battleship (I can beat ANYONE in Battleship.)
backgammon, basketball, and soccer. My favorite is chess, because if you have the right attitude you never get tired of playing, even when you lose a lot.
trivial pursuit! Scrabble! In theory, chess but only had one lesson from exboyfriend so still need to learn!
We like to play, Who can dodge doing the laundry the longest?, at our house. But, after you've turned your clothes inside out a few times, it just gets kinda gross...
I love Clue, Connect Four, Trivial Pursuit..any edition, battleship and chess. I'm always up for shirades, but it's hard to get that going. Last year I played some game where you toss a ball around and ask questions until someone gets the word..not sure what it's called but that was fun, I miss pictionary or was it Lose, Win or Draw..I think that is a game show. Does anyone know of a board game that was about Art History, or know your artist? I played that in college and loved it, but have no idea what it's called. As a kid, I loved mouse trap and pick up sticks.
As for ball games, baseball..all the way and I'm on a softball team..or a drinking team. Oh, and it's been a while but I was a fan of drinking Jenga in school, but no other drinking games. I'd rather just drink. Oh, toss in Twister too.
Also, my friends and I revived 4-square, dodgeball and capture the flag in an epic college block party lo those years past. And 4-square is AWESOME.
All sorts! Scrabble, scattergories, Clue, Pass the Pigs, Balderdash. Kiriki (sp?) is a fun bar/dice game that I've recently discovered.
Annie, I know that art game!!!! It is SO great! I can't remember what it's called right now though.
Oooohhhhh, I love Orisinal games too!
I love board games, so I'll pretty much play any of them. Except Monopoly. I've been banned from Monopoly because I take it way too seriously, and if I don't do well, I believe I have bad money management skills. It's not a pretty scene.
I also love baseball and bowling.
When I need to exercise my brain, I like crosswords, sudoku, and logic puzzles.
backgammon, chess, risk, soccer, and various logic puzzles.
Scrabble. English, Dutch or French. Used to beat my ex (an advertising copywriter) in Amsterdam playing in Dutch EVERY single time... until the day I beat him by over 100 points. Then he wouldn't play again. Wuss.
I'd play tennis regularly if I could find someone similarly semi-skilled in Hyde Park!
That said it's generally just scrabble/scrabulous, and bowling whenever I can talk people into it.
Every now and then I'll geek out and load some version of CIV on the computer and have at it for hours and hours.
The last time this got asked I loaded the post up with so many links to, I got caught in the GB spamorama.
BOARD: German/Eurogames (Settlers of Catan is the most familiar to the US, but It's not a fave of mine)
old-school Avalon Hill games (Acquire, Diplomcy, Dune)
train games; both 18xx system and Empire Builder crayon games
VIDEO: the Bungie stuff before the Microsoft acquisition (Marathon, Myth)
The Rock Band/Guitar Hero genre
GTA (still working on San Andreas)
messing with the Wii
And of course, the curling.
Leelah, I've googled it it and nothing. There are other games out there, but I haven't seen the name....sad
Annie, I emailed my friend who owns the game, so I'll have a name in the morning, I hope!
It's called Philanthropy!
ooo...balderdash. I love that game!
coming from a large family, we played many games. we play games now at the big family get togethers. often this means that we have to find a game that can entertain the teens and the older adults, but all in all, we have a good time.
Uno. A master since my salad days.
I'm in a long-term intimate relationship, so I'm also playing some mind game with my woman, I just don't know it yet.
Re: the Art picture/history game....the game I played was called MASTERPIECE, the Art Auction Game by Parker Brothers.
It is an auction type game, you start out with a couple paintings ( all done by the Master artists of course ) and as you go around the circled board you either buy/sell paintings, or get to pick an opponents painting which is then auctioned off, or get to keep outright.
All paintings are paired with a price card, only seen by the player who has the painting...they range from one 1 Million dollar painting, then 750K on down to I forget if it was 1 or 2 FORGORIES. Once all 25 paintings are in players hands the game is over, you show the worth of the paintings you have, player with highest amount wins.
The object is obviously to be coy on the Million dollar and Forgery paintings, as one or two or more players will eventually know which painting is of what value and you want to get the big one and get rid of the worthless one.
It is a super great game best with 3 to 5 players and the auction part can get really fun, especially if you know which painting is worth a million dollars or nothing.
The Art Institute use to sell it but I believe it is out of print.
Finally as a board game lover almost any will do, though flippy cup ranks up there too.'re the best! thank I have to find out where I can pick it up
Did anyone ever play Compatibility? I played it only a handful of times and LOVED it, but it's not sold anymore!
croquet! We need more croquet players in chicago. Anyone game?
-Jai Alai
-Rubik's cube
-crossword puzzles
I have a standing Tuesday night dominoes game (Mexican Train style) with friends, and I also enjoy Scrabble and Uno.
As far as outdoor games/sports, I used to really dig playing hoops but not so much now that I'm old, fat and uninsured. I adore playing croquet, and would totally be down with some organized croquet action, spudart, so definitely let this board know if you revive that group.
Oh, and I really like juggling (although that's not a sport/game as much as a directed activity), but nothing like when I was in my early 20's and would work on stuff for 2-3 hours a day. I hardly ever think to haul out the old clubs and balls anymore, yet sometimes I entertain the idea of putting announcements in various places to try and organize a weekly (or monthly) juggling gathering somewhere (getting large groups of folks to pass clubs to each other can be a real rush). I'm not sure how many juggling fiends are out there these days.
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printdude / July 17, 2008 10:50 AM
i play them all.
I really like the Republican games best. You know golf, tennis, sailing.
Baseball I love.
i will play any sport against anyone, at any time.
3am Wiffle ball? You're on.
6am Croquet? you're on, too.
I love All the board gmaes, too, and Find myself checking out the new games featured in GAMES magazine.
Life, I like a lot.