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Monday, January 20

Gapers Block

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printdude / December 1, 2008 8:46 AM

Booze, booze and More Booze!!!

That and this year, with my limited budget, I plan on giving the modern-day handmade cards: a 2 or 4 GB Flash Drive with personalized video message and flash pages, plus photos and music, tailored for the individual.

Eric / December 1, 2008 8:58 AM

Camera stuff: a wide angle prime (or maybe a 12-14mm zoom), and a polarized filter.

But I wouldn't be hurt if I got some clothes from Nau instead.

sb / December 1, 2008 9:06 AM

hungry man xxl southern fried boneless chicken dinners. red man premium moist snuff. olde english forties. acdc's "back in black" on tape. some ray steven's tapes, probably that one with "the day the squirrel went berzerk" on it. carhartt overalls. some dickies for the kids. thermals. and a ford truck, long as we can get it financed.

annie / December 1, 2008 10:13 AM

We bought a sweet vintage bar for our place on we're done! Although I am pushing for stocking stuffers too, those are always my favorite anyway.

Elizabeth / December 1, 2008 10:54 AM

Oh, dear. I can't even think about buying gifts yet. My wallet is still reeling from buying that plane ticket to see the folks!

My family is one of those "Oh, I don't know what I want. You don't have to get me anything" families, so I have to be creative most years. I can't buy my sister clothes because she doesn't want to tell me what size she wears. It's a crapshoot as to whether my dad will watch any of the DVDs he says he wants. My mother loves and uses everything I get her. My brother in law, likewise, loves anything I get him.

It'll be interesting this year.

Hal / December 1, 2008 11:08 AM

If I weren't saving on to every last penny possible in anticipation of getting laid off, I'd be buying myself a Dell Inspiron Mini 9. Just saw one in real life for the first time last week and I'm obsessing now...

taj / December 1, 2008 12:00 PM

- donating to different charities. we've been doing this for last few years. it's great you give to someone who really needs something and avoid of getting gifts you don't really use or like.
for friends: something little, or create something.
maybe holiday dinner.

jennifer / December 1, 2008 12:27 PM

even without the recession my list would be short. (grad student budget doesn't allow for much.)

trying to think of something small and creative for my boyfriend. would like to do something nice for my grammy to celebrate the holiday and her 80th birthday!

any thoughts?

Gaigen / December 1, 2008 3:05 PM

Crap. Seriously. I was out buying a few of the things on my list this week and it just hit me that's is crap. Not that it's "crappy" (big difference). Just crap. Stuff. Things.

But I actually do sign up almost every year for that buy-a-kid-a-gift thing they have in the Sun-Times. At least that "crap" will be appreciated by someone and they put your name in the paper after the holiday so everyone in the city can see how cool and unselfish you are afterwards! And if they don't see my name I show it to them...

fluffy / December 1, 2008 8:00 PM

Not a damn thing. I already bought the Curious George stuffed animal for my niece. Xmass is for kids, as far as I'm concerned. For adults, it's a time to get together and drink.

John / December 1, 2008 11:49 PM

For your grammy, how about tea at the Drake. Forget if it is a daily thing or once a week, but call or go to their web site. As for me,
it must come from going with my Dad to 905 Liquors, a long ago chain in the Gateway City, but at Christmas time I always peruse liquor ads and go looking for good buys on the hard stuff. Here's the ironic thing, I rarely drink anymore so I hardly ever buy a bottle of anything, yet at this time of the season I get this urge to browse the liquor aisles.

Brandy / December 2, 2008 9:35 AM

Thankfully, my list is short, and I've got good ideas for homemade gifts. Thankfully, I'm good at making stuff, so it won't be wonky and [disappointed voice] homemade looking.

Norma / December 2, 2008 1:34 PM

With the crazy economy, I'm trying to get people somewhat practical gifts instead of just utter crap. Maybe a dinner-for-two gift certificate for my parents, or a gas card for my little sister who just got a new car. I know I'd appreciate gifts like those right now!

bridget / December 2, 2008 1:55 PM

All I want for Christmas is more CTA funding.

zoenotcool / December 2, 2008 4:17 PM

I want (and am getting) a pottery class.

The family is receiving assorted sentimental/useful gifts, wrapped in cloth bags that I used last year. Each person is supposed to have their own color/pattern of fabric, but I don't remember which is which.

I intended to propose an all handmade Christmas with my family, but it's too late for that now, so I'll buy some things from etsy and be content with that (and less stressed about finishing projects on time).

Jasmine / December 3, 2008 11:05 AM

Just for immediate family and about three other people who are as close to me as my family (if not more so). I think I may buy my parents a couch, as their apartment is full of so many things, but not a decent place to sit.

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