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Friday, July 26

Gapers Block

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Naz / September 22, 2003 12:06 AM

So far, Lost in Translation. Eagerly awaiting The Return of the King.

Matt / September 22, 2003 2:43 AM

Best: A tie between American Splendor and Lost in Translation
Worst: Bad Boys II. I still can't believe I paid to see that piece of crap.

amyc / September 22, 2003 6:15 AM

Another vote for Lost In Translation. Also, Spellbound. I haven't seen anything this year that I hated, but I'm pretty picky when it comes to shelling out my nine bucks.

kegz / September 22, 2003 7:42 AM

Ring another up for Lost in Translation. I also liked Whale Rider alot. Anger Management was probably the worst I've seen this year, and even that was just 'ok'.

A lex, x, x / September 22, 2003 8:32 AM

Best: "Whale Rider"

Worst: "Charlie's Angels - Full Throttle"
I only paid $3.00 to see it, but DAMN I wanted my $3.00 back. Instead of making me feel "empowered" (which is what I think this giant turd was suppose to do), it just made me feel totally exploited. Hey, how slowly can you see my boobs jiggle? And watch my ass in super slo-mo! Here's to the feminine revolution!

j3s / September 22, 2003 8:59 AM

Actually, I saw Gigli. Wow, I can't believe I admitted that. Atomly and I had to take turns punching each other in the face through the whole thing, it was that bad.

ruthie / September 22, 2003 11:54 AM

I'm ashamed to admit I was really excited to see Legally Blonde II. I ended up going alone because all of my friends refused to see it. Turns out they were right-- it was awful. Note to self: develop more trust in friends' opinions.

Naz / September 22, 2003 11:55 AM

I will also say that best summer movie blockbuster had to be Pirates of the Carribean. That was just good fun.

On a side note: I did see Underworld, wasn't bad, wasnt't great and it had an interesting ambitious plot/history thing going. And yes, Kate Beckinsale is hottt. See: Serendipity with Chicago hometown hero, John Cusack.

stephen / September 22, 2003 11:59 AM

It hasn't been that bad, just more high-profile bombs. Glad to say I avoided them and managed to see some great films. Winged Migration was good, very hypnotic and a refreshing change from Hollywood. Magdalene Sisters was hard, but a beautiful film..and Lost in Translation was great too, Bill Murray rules. I really liked Bend It Like Beckham, too. Probably my favorite film this year tho was Spirited Away, on the rerelease back when it won an academy award. If you haven't seen it go get dvd now.

stephen / September 22, 2003 12:02 PM

Oh, and keep your eyes out in 2006 for the best film of the next 4 years, Gnomeo and Juliet. Serious. Tim Rice and Elton John are doing the music, and its Disney. Take a moment and ponder those merchandising opportunities. Poison Coke, anyone? Perhaps a Nerf stabbin' knife?

Cinnamon / September 22, 2003 12:07 PM

I think the best film I saw was The Gatekeeper. Very indy, so indy that the director/producre/writer/star was touring with the film and giving question/answer sessions on opening night. Very wonderful opportunity and heartbreaking film It will hopefully make it to DVD.

Haven't seen anything bad that made me hate spending money on it. I think I should see more movies.

christopher / September 22, 2003 12:28 PM

winged migration was fantastic and very beautiful.

ali / September 22, 2003 2:32 PM

"The Weather Underground" was the best film I've seen in a long while.

Niki / September 22, 2003 2:54 PM

The Magdelene Sisters was bleak, but good. I quite enjoyed Raising Victor Vargas. Identity shocked me at how much I enjoyed it. The Battle of Shaker Heights wasn't too bad considering the whole Curse of Project Greenlight thing (some wholes in plot & character development, but still enjoyable). Pathetically enough, I haven't seen nearly as many films in the theater as I should, but like others mentioned, I'm picky with my movie $$. The majority of films I've seen this year were free sneak previews, so hooray for those!

Niki / September 22, 2003 3:07 PM

Yeah, think I could use the word "enjoyed any more in one sitting? & "wholes" was to be "holes." God, I can't stand it when the mouse slips before I'm ready.

Lisa / September 22, 2003 3:40 PM

"Bend It Like Beckham" is my favorite 2003 release... so far. The worst was "Matrix Reloaded," but only because I'm being driven crazy wondering how they're going to resolve it.

Naz / September 22, 2003 4:06 PM

Free sneak previews!? Niki, you are lucky. does one get in on that? ;)

I forgot to mention worst movie I've seen this year. Tough choice since I think I've been numbed into submission by bad movies that I forgive them. I even find them mildly entertaining. Though Freddy vs. Jason was sort of bad. But it can't be that bad since I remembered it. I think most of the worst movies I've deleted from memory.

I still haven't seen Bend It Like Beckham...must see.

Benjy / September 22, 2003 5:21 PM

I haven't seen too many movies in recent months--nothing has seemed too interesting. That said, I'd have to say the best was "Adaptation" and worst was "Matrix Reloaded".

laura / September 22, 2003 10:52 PM

worst? Uptown Girls. I was with a pre-teen, so all R-rated movies were out, and it was either this or Freaky Friday, which probably would have been better, but was only rated PG and therefore not cool enough for above mentioned pre-teen.

Best would probably be American Splendor, with a special honorable mention to "Mismatched Couples," the kung-fu breakdancing movie, which I saw during kung-fu midnight movie madness in July. It was as ridiculous as can be expected. Lots of fun

I haven't seen Lost in Translation yet, because my friends unwisely decided to see Cabin Fever instead. That was pretty bad, too.

christian / September 23, 2003 2:13 AM

Best stuff: Matthew Barney: The CREMASTER Cycle. Even tough it was released before this summer. Confidence, the Italian job, dirty pretty things.

Bad stuff: the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (ungodly bad), the matrix reloaded (beautiful people in the center of the earth bad), the hulk (half bad), daredevil (mix-of-the-first-two-batman-movies-and-felt-like-I-already-saw-it kind of bad). Notice a theme?

All I remember about this summer movie season was this, for ever piece of Hollywood eye-candy; I saw at least one fairly good non-Hollywood film.
The joys of being under employed.

Shylo / September 23, 2003 10:46 AM

I really, really want to see Freaky Friday. Really!

travis / September 23, 2003 1:14 PM

Best: Lost in Translation and 28 Days Later
Worst: Onmyoji

lacey / September 23, 2003 1:22 PM

Bad: "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" (like, retching bad)

Good: I agree with Stephen on "Spirited Away." I almost voted for "Star Trek: Nemesis" then realized that was *last* year and I am really really slow when it comes to movies. Oy.

Mike Aparicio / September 23, 2003 3:05 PM

Best: The Italian Job, 28 Days Later, Pirates of the Carribean.

Worst: Phone Booth, Daredevil... hell, anything with Colin Farrell.

Looking forward to seeing Lost in Translation this Friday. :)

paul / September 23, 2003 3:17 PM

can't think of a best (just the way i am?) but the worst i actually saw was the legend of suriyothai...

tony / September 23, 2003 4:48 PM

Another vote for "Lost in Translation" here. Can I admit here that I've been crushing on Scarlett Johansson ever since "Ghost World"?

Best no-brainer fun movie was "The Italian Job."

jason / September 23, 2003 5:54 PM

The best so far? "Open Range," although I have to say I liked it more the first time I saw it -- when it was called "Unforgiven."

The worst? "Matrix regurgitated." What a bunch of overblown, redundant, needless waste.

A couple of questions on that movie.

What was up w/that "orgy" scene? I haven't seen that much half-hearted eroticism since my wedding night. Was it because no one really wants to see anyone starring in the movie, least of all Carrie Anne Moss, even partially naked?(note to self: "Laurence Fishburne naked" is the new gratification delaying thought)

And someone please tell the Wachowski brothers that we get the picture already... Neo knows karate. Another 10 minute scene with Keanu fighting ever-increasing legions of Agent Smiths will inspire actual-reality violence on my part.

But the best part... I'm not bitter at all.

Shylo / September 24, 2003 9:45 AM

Oh, Jesus. If you weren't crushing on S. Johannson in Ghost World, you sure fell for her after all the panty shots in Lost in Translation.

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