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Tuesday, September 10
He should be tried by the Iraqi people and they should be allowed to decide his fate.
They certainly shouldn't hand him over to The Hague.
He'll be Bush and Cheney's mascot, according to Greg Storey.
I'm also in favor of the Iraqi people judging and sentencing him...but I have a feeling he's going to get a US military tribunal first, for propaganda's sake. Sigh.
Count me in for Saddam being tried and sentenced by the Iraqi people. My only concern is that there may be some level of corruption that allows him to not face the level of justice he should.
Hand him over to the Hague, and let humanity decide his fate. Just as it's doing to Milosevic.
I think he needs to be tried as soon as possible by an Iraqi court and then executed when found guilty of his decades of attrocities. I just fear Bush having enough influence to conveniently delay the trial until sometime in October, just in time for the election...
He should be forced to spend a network television season living in a house with Paris Hilton, Anna Nicole, Puck from the real world, Rush Limbaugh coming down from OxyContin, and Little Richard.
Okay. maybe that's cruel to Little Richard. Wooo!
What Iraqi court is everybody talking about? The courts in place now is like 4 days old. There is no government in place and bearly a police force in Iraq. Saddam will get tried and most likely be executed. It will take time (see Milosevic), probably years for the process to fill out.
But to say that the process is part of a Bush conspiracy to help him win the election, that does not make any sense. Anyways...Hillary and Gore are pretty much making sure Bush wins another term...yuk yuk yuk
If you're going to try Saddam in a U.S.-appointed "Iraqi court", you might as well try him in New York City. Either way the verdict will be the same, and based on Bush's capital punishment glee during his Texas governor days, I'm guessing Saddam wouldn't need to worry about writing his memoirs. Try him in the Hague, and give him a decent chance at a fair trial.
I'm not a fan of his, mind you, but any human being deserves that much.
Nazi prison guards are tried in Israeli courts. This is not the business of the international community or the "international court."
The Iraqi people deserve this. Twenty-five years of torture, murder, war, and suffering. Twenty-five years of rape. To sit Hussein down in front of five European judges to sentence him to a lifetime of leisure in prison somewhere will be forever damaging to any future Iraqi polity.
It would be a civil court where groups will bring evidence against him. No amount of stacking the court could skew that evidence.
If you ask me, Hussein does not deserve human rights protection anymore than he extended to his own people for 25 years. He is not a war criminal. He is something much worse. My personal feeling notwithstanding, the Iraqis have to be allowed to try him.
So if Saddam's trial overlaps with Jacko's, Scott Peterson's, Kobe's, etc. which take precedence on CourtTV?
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Craig / December 15, 2003 12:23 PM
See if he knows anything about those "weapons of mass destruction".