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Saturday, July 27

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Illinois Wed Mar 18 2009

Common Sense Safety, Part 1 of 2

The saying goes, "If common sense were so common, more people would have it." When it comes to gun control policy, plenty of people in Illinois seem to "have it" according to the most recent poll by the Illinois Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. In a press release issued earlier this month, the results of the poll clearly demonstrated the overwhelming support of so-called common sense gun control laws to be adopted in Illinois.

The focus of the poll was on the basic tenets of logical gun sales and ownership restrictions. Among all Illinoisans, over 90% support closing the "private sale" loophole. This would require any private transaction of firearms be reported so the buyer could undergo required background checks. Surprisingly, support for expanding the universality of background checks polled around 85% of Republicans, 79% of gun owners, and 70% of NRA members. To see the full poll results, click here.

Legislation has been introduced before the Illinois House as H.R. 48 and is currently undergoing debate. The timeliness of this legislation seems particularly appropriate as the Chicago Tribune reported that 9 shootings were reported yesterday, largely due to a temperature increase. Coupled with the remarkable frequency of fatal gun crimes in Chicago last summer it would seem that passage of this legislation would be a forgone conclusion. However, there are those that seem intent on expanding ownership rights despite the fact that 1,000 citizens of Illinois die each year from gun crimes. Most recently, 5,000 attended a rally was held in Springfield on March 10th to support the reversing the Illinois ban on concealed carrying laws. Several downstate members of the Illinois House of Representatives openly stated support of allowing concealed firearms to be carried Illinois.

Apparently common sense is not quite common enough.

Check back here over the next week as Gaper's Block continues its coverage of gun control legislation.

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funghi / March 19, 2009 10:23 AM

Wow Carl!
It's not like you went out of your way to be objective in your story.
The "Poll" you referenced couldn't have come from a more biased source if you tried!
Common sense tells me that these new gun laws will (if passed) have the exact same effect that a TOTAL GUN BAN has had in Chicago all these past years.
How do the people that "have it" not get that gang members, already active in the one of the greatest illegal markets (drugs) in the world, won't give a moments pause to breaking another law, gun or otherwise?
Give me a break! This is just another example of blindly following an ineffective agenda. "The March of Folly"
At the end of your piece you do manage to throw in a quick jab at a group in support of Concealed Carry legislation. However you leave out the figures (non-biased) that show a marked decline in the number of gun crimes in many states that have allowed CC, with a marked increase in none.
Isn't that the exact goal that your "Common Sense Safety" laws are trying to achieve?
I contend that your Rose Colored Glasses are imparing your "common sense" vision.

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Parents Still Steaming, but About More Than Just Boilers

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