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Saturday, July 27

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Bears Fri Dec 04 2009

Footballic Ramblings: The Nightmare Gets a Reprieve?

***Injury Update*** Tommie Harris is doubtful, Tillman is doubtful and Steven Jackson is doubtful. Wow. Ugly just got upgraded to First-Class Ugly. Thanks, injuries.

The staggering and numbing assault on Chicago Bears fans known as the "2009 season" gets a slight reprieve this week as the comically inept St. Louis Rams roll into the City of Broad Shoulders for a Sunday afternoon tilt between two woeful teams. Granted --because with the Bears there are always caveats and "force majeurs" to steel oneself against-- this week Lance Briggs joins Brian Urlacher and the rolling cast of injured Bears. So the comically depleted Bears defense will be facing light-footed rhino/Rams running back, Steven Jackson* on their own, sans Briggs, the world is sad and hard, Bears fans. Meanwhile, the "works better in theory than in practice" secondary will be doing their best to shut down Donnie Avery, who has caught every single one of Marc Bulger's touchdowns this season (five). Yeah, five touchdowns for a starting NFL quarterback in Week 13, again, the Rams are not good. This game has the stench of carrion and only the most-dedicated of CHI and STL fans should be tuning in.

The two teams rank in the bottom third league-wide, overall in team offense and team defense. So we can't even really be expecting an amazing kind of awful game, ala: Cleveland vs. Detroit the other week. No, every sign is pointing to this game being way more reminiscent of the Cleveland vs. Buffalo eye-gouger from Week 5. If that weren't enough excitement for you, the high for Sunday is 39 fahrenheit, so bundle up if you're going to the game [shakes head no]. You know what? This is getting a little depressing, okay? So here's a puppy video:

There. Feel better? Okay, the rest of the games on Sunday aren't all that hot with the resurgent and Vince Young-led Tennessee Titans rolling into Indianapolis on a five game winning streak. Can they make it six in a row? Only if Chris Johnson continues his assault on the weak and puny defenses of the NFL. I say Tennessee beats Indy. We'll see. Here are the other televised games. Again, not a pretty week of NFL. Maybe get an early start on your taxes?

*Steven Jackson, seriously, dude is top-five talent toiling away in relative obscurity during the prime of his career...sigh. Also, he's questionable for the Bears game, so, y'know, cross your fingers, fans.

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