Gapers Block has ceased publication.

Gapers Block published from April 22, 2003 to Jan. 1, 2016. The site will remain up in archive form. Please visit Third Coast Review, a new site by several GB alumni.
 Thank you for your readership and contributions. 


Wednesday, February 12

Gapers Block

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About Us

About Tailgate

Tailgate is the sports section of Gapers Block, covering all Chicago sports, big and small.


Chad RuterChad Ruter, Sports Editor
Chad is a native Illinoisan who narrowly escaped the farmland in the northwest corner of the state to make it into The Windy City. He fell in love with the Chicago sports teams because they shared the same Ch- as his name does. He now regrets this and wishes his parents named him Boris since Boston has recently won a title in every sport.


Benjamin CannonBenjamin Cannon
Benjamin Cannon holds a couple of Bachelor's degrees, and is doing precisely the opposite of what they prepared him to do. He is passionate about graphic design, comedy, and Epicurean pursuits, yet none of these trump his love for soccer. His love for sports came on suddenly, fully-formed, while in art school—in time to be buffeted amid the emotional torrent that was the 2003 Cubs season—and has only grown since. He is a resident of Uptown, which he hopes will get its act together one of these days, can be found on Twitter or at his personal site, and he hopes you'll join him on this journey with the beautiful game.

Mike ChamernikMike Chamernik
Mike attends DePaul University, majoring in journalism. He loves Chicago and knows more about sports (and world geography) than he should. He spends a majority of his time working two internships, completing schoolwork, and playing NFL 2K5 for Play Station 2.

Jim CragoJim Crago
Jim Crago is a graduate of DePaul University with a focus in Journalism. He has covered DePaul women's basketball, and spent a brief period covering Indiana University athletics in the late '90s. He and his wife Ann have a beautiful dughter Mary Frances, and live in the great neighborhood of Lincoln Square.

Andrew HuffAndrew Huff, Editor & Publisher
Andrew works deep into the night at his West Ridge two-flat, writing and editing and playing with the cats. He spends more time online than is healthy; follow along at

Jake PayneJake Payne
Jacob Payne is a native Chicagoan who is almost out of DePaul University. He loves soccer, hockey and F1 the most since liking curling isn't socially acceptable yet. When he's not checking scores, he's playing them, out at bars, or struggling with his Twitter.

Josh WilliamsJosh Williams
Josh is from Chicago and now lives in South Holland, IL. He attended Southern Illinois University with a major in Radio/Television. He's a huge Bulls and Bears fan. Loves to write about,watch, and play sports. You can follow him on twitter.

Chris ZoisChris Zois
Chris has been a lifelong Chicagoland resident and is proud to call Avondale his neck of the woods. When trying to avoid Wicker Park traffic on his bike, he enjoys partaking in devouring every single type of taco there is in the city. If you care to hear his ramblings about who's the best Simpsons character you can find his musing at his Twitter.


Jim ReedyJim Reedy
Jim moved here at the start of 2010, fulfilling his destiny as a fourth-generation Chicagoan. He grew up in the Boston suburbs with some of the nation's best and most obnoxious sports fans, but 10 years in Virginia stripped away most of that Northeast provincialism. He rooted for Frank Thomas and Michael Jordan in the early '90s because they wore really cool uniforms.

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