Gapers Block has ceased publication.

Gapers Block published from April 22, 2003 to Jan. 1, 2016. The site will remain up in archive form. Please visit Third Coast Review, a new site by several GB alumni.
 Thank you for your readership and contributions. 


Wednesday, February 12

Gapers Block

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About Us

About Merge & Slowdown

Located on the left-hand column on the front page, Merge is the general interest and current events section of Gapers Block. In it, you'll find everything from the latest news to notable events to interesting blog posts to random found items from the web —- the only requirement is that it have a Chicago connection. If you see something, please share it; we're always working to keep it fresh, and appreciate your help. Slowdown is Gapers Block's events calendar, found in the center column of the front page. Our calendar features events carefully selected by the entire Gapers Block staff; if it's interesting to one of us, we bet it'll be interesting to one of you.

The same is also true: if you think it's cool, one of us might think so too. We want to know what's going on, and while we try to be all-seeing and all-powerful, sometimes you'll know something going on we don't. Band playing a show? Live lit reading? Neighborhood petting zoo opening? Send us your exciting happenings. Events submitted to Slowdown must take place in Chicago or the surrounding metropolitan area (though in very rare cases we'll consider northwest Illinois and possibly neighboring states if it's interesting and relevant), but beyond that, if you think others should know, send it our way. Please see our submissions page for further details on how to submit an event for our consideration.


Andrew HuffAndrew Huff, Editor & Publisher
Andrew thinks Chicagoland is the best amusement park ever. A lifelong night owl, he works deep into the night at his West Ridge two-flat, writing and editing and playing with the cats. He spends more time online than probably is healthy; follow along at

David SchalliolDavid Schalliol, Editor at Large
A graduate student in sociology at the University of Chicago, David is involved in far too many non-academic projects for his own good. You can check out some of his diversions at his personal website, metroblossom, and that flickr place. He has South Side pride.

Mike EwingMike Ewing, Assistant Editor
Mike moved to Chicago from Wisconsin to teach nonprofits the secrets of the Internet. When he's not chasing down stories, blogging or tweeting he likes to seek out good tunes and good brews in the Wicker Park area.


The Merge and Slowdown sections of the website are open to the entire staff of Gapers Block. However, Slowdown wouldn't be anything without the invaluable work of one of our founding staffers...

Jim AllenspachJim Allenspach, MVP — Most Valuable Poster
A former spelling bee champ (Von Steuben Grade School, Peoria, IL), Jim wants you to know that "crepuscular" and "vespertine" are synonyms. He also has a Website.


The Gapers Block Tumblr account is managed by...

Jasmine DavilaJasmine Davila
Jasmine Davila thinks of herself a New Yorker even though she's lived in Chicago for the last 14 years. Read about her internal struggle at

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