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White Sox Fri Oct 08 2010

White Sox Postseason: All Is Quiet On the Midwestern Front


Aside from looking to our televisions and yelling, "That should be us giving up late inning runs to the Yankees with sloppy outfield defense and a shaky bullpen! Not the Twins!" White Sox fans don't have much going on since the season ended with heartfelt good byes to Nancy Faust, Paul Konerko and A.J Pierzynski. I have been keeping myself busy contemplating an interest in the NBA, mourning the absence of the Bears' offensive line, and rooting against the Twins as mentioned in the previous sentence. Baseball is the beast that never slumbers however, not even after its tremendously long regular season. So just because there are no more games to attend at U.S. Cellular until April, there are still some newsworthy happenings for the Sox-obsessed. Here is a quick roundup:

Going somewhere, Solo? Assistant General Manager Rick Hahn (Solo. Get it?) will be interviewing for the position of Actual General Manager with the New York Mets next week. Fans who were annoyed with Kenny Williams' fondness for expelling all most of the White Sox young pitching talent to the N.L. West, bizarre fascinations with lumbering dinosaurs like Andruw Jones and Manny Ramirez, and public brouhahas with Crazy Number 13 were hoping Hahn would be usurper to the throne of Comiskey. Obviously, should Hahn take the job, we should all keep a wary eye on Chris Sale.

Suggestion Box: Sox Machine's Jim Margalus has posted his results for his "South Side Satisfaction Survey" for the Sox position players. After asking his readers to rate players based on "impact, bang for the buck, expectations and je ne sais quo," the results came in about what one would expect. The King led the pack with the highest scores, while Mark Teahen's inability to do anything baseball-worthy and Manny Ramirez's two RBIs (at roughly $2 million apiece) left them at the bottom of the heap. As of this post, you can still vote on Sox pitching staff.

Spoo, Taht Skcus! A woman with a poor choice in tattoo parlors is suing a dyslexic artist and his employer, Mystic Tattoo. Her suit claims "pain and disfigurements" from the laser removal of a Sox logo tattoo that was administered to her thigh backwards. She is seeking up to $50,000 dollars in damages which will hopefully afford her access to the internet. It seems like a quick check on Yelp could have prevented this. Suffice it to say, Tailgate suggests you avoid Mystic Tattoo.



Most Pointless Thing I Can Show You: A.J. talks about music. "I'm not telling you who my first concert was. It's too embarrassing." More embarrassing than Buffet and Creed, dude? April needs to get here. And fast.

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