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Gapers Block published from April 22, 2003 to Jan. 1, 2016. The site will remain up in archive form. Please visit Third Coast Review, a new site by several GB alumni.
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Sunday, February 9

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Chicago Tue Nov 16 2010

Short Hops: Wrigley (Football) Field, Pizza For Cheap!


  • Wrigley Field's Transformation is Now Complete
  • With the finishing touches of a new purple coat of paint applied to the iconic Wrigley marquee; the stadium's shift from ball diamond to gridiron is now complete. More pictures after the jump...
  • Pizza, Pizza, Pizza, Pizza
  • Lincoln Park's Brick Pizza, is offering patrons a tremendous deal on their patented "Julius Peppers Pie" -three types of peppers, if you're keeping score at home. Every game Peppers has a sack in, you, the exceptional reader of Tailgate, can head to Brick and order the aforementioned pizza for a mere five bucks. If Julius somehow scores a touchdown? You can get a free 12-inch pie with the purchase of -the quaintly dubbed- "adult beverage." Unfortunately, Peppers did not have a sack in yesterday's win against the Vikings; still, you should go eat some pizza.
  • Bulls Are Outta Town For Rest Of Month
  • The circus is at the United Center for the rest of November and that means the Bulls are on their annual western road swing. Next home game is December 1st against Orlando.

More Wrigley Pics

Purple Marquee & Northwestern Flags


Goal Post at Home Plate

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