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Windy City Rollers Tue Feb 14 2012
Hell's (Belles) A-Blazin'
On Saturday, the Windy City Rollers' 2012 home season kicked off with an upset. Could it be indicative of the rest of the season?
The Hell's Belles surprised everyone--perhaps even themselves--as they broke The Fury's 14-game winning streak. Strong blocking by the Belles helped MVP jammer Zombea Arthur as she made a mad dash for points, earning 68 in all, helping win the game at a solid 140-79.
The Manic Attackers took on the Double Crossers in the second (and slower) game of the evening. Unfortunately, it wasn't too much of a match, as the Crossers' suffer from a sparse, rookie-filled roster. Manic blockers Bork Bork Bork, Ada Hatelace, and AliSin Chains made way for jammers Zoe Trocious, Thievin' Tyler, and Rose Feratu to score point after point. Finally, the Crossers had had enough, and the game closed in the Manics' favor, 151-62.
Fury jammer Janicide Joplin (in the orange starred helmet) zips through the pack.
Zoe Trocious (in blue) sneaks past an unsuspecting Double Crosser.
All photos by Steve Stearns.