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Saturday, September 7

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G / December 15, 2010 2:30 PM

Life on Mars ...which is now closed.

Jennifer / December 15, 2010 3:04 PM

I had my best meal of the year at Gilt Bar!

y a j / December 15, 2010 5:05 PM

Saigon Sisters

And did the new 90 Mile outpost on Armitage open in 2010? I can’t remember how I lived without it before.

y a j / December 15, 2010 5:09 PM

I forgot Rev Brew!

flange / December 15, 2010 11:55 PM

food trucks in general; gaztro-wagon in particular. (i live near its storefront and patronize that when they avoid the 'hood i work in for too long.)

Dennis Fritz / December 16, 2010 8:58 AM

Who cares? Most of the "hot" new restaurants that open are only going to be around for a few years anyway. A few years at most. It is built right into their business plans. Nuts to that.

lexiconnie / December 16, 2010 9:46 AM

this has nothing to do with restaurants, I just want to commend Dennis Fritz for keeping the prhase "nuts to that" alive. an old chestnut that I will be using today.

G. Maitland / December 16, 2010 10:47 AM


Graham Elliot Bowles is such a genius that it makes me hot and bothered in my loins.

You can keep Halle Berry and Jennifer Lopez and Angelina Jolie. What I really want is to have sex with Graham Elliot Bowles (and I'm straight). Then, I wanna have sex with his food, then I wanna have sex with Graham Elliot Bowles on top of his food.

"What are the best new restaurants in 2010?

Who cares. Get a life. Get laid. Stop fetishizing dinner.

(Sorry to troll today, but this neverending foodie stuff really irks me.)

Andrew Huff / December 16, 2010 11:43 AM

G. Maitland, what do you "fetishize"? Sports? Movies? Music? Politics?

I didn't see you pop into the best songs thread last week and tell everyone to get a life. Asking what the best new restaurants are is no less annoying or frivolous than asking what the best songs of the year were, or which movies were Oscar contenders. Or endlessly armchair-quarterbacking your favorite team or political party, for that matter.

David / December 16, 2010 11:56 AM

Imma say Longman & Eagle for two reasons. One, I got to rep the neighborhood.

And two, best damn gin and tonic I've ever had in a restaurant.

jennifer / December 16, 2010 2:05 PM

empanadas at macondo coffee and empanadas. a-maz-ingly good and the coffee was fab. added bonus - super friendly staff. I highly recommend!

jen / December 16, 2010 4:12 PM

haters gonna hate.

the place I've been to the most has been Revolution Brewing. big fan of their Cross of Gold, Bourbon Barrel Aged Eugene Porter, and Anti-Hero IPA; as well as the steamed mussels with blue cheese and apples, burgers, and egg in a hole for brunch.

L&E is simply good, not great - nothing I've had there has really wowed me. for food inventiveness, I'll take Lula across the street any day, and for $8 cocktails I'll go to the Whistler.

Spook / December 17, 2010 10:17 AM

LuuuLaaa Cafe! Hands down!

Their food makes me well, just want to hug mysef!

I'm a big fan of their
char crusted Wonder bread smoothered in
mayonnaise( 13.09) as well as their Free Range Bland Chops(16.99) and thier Organic Anti Tastso Soup

I haven't checked out Revolution Brew. yet. But I will this weekend because it seems like all the *right* people are totally representing in da house, and that name is so meta! I hope they have television!

Oh sorry, I didn't see "best new resturant", well then although I haven't been yet,let's just skip the formalities and, hands me down for The Revolution! Because I hear it's the bearded boy to Lula's crafty girl!

George / December 17, 2010 3:58 PM

Gaztro Wagon is pretty awesome and also super close to my pad so that gets my vote. Not sure when it opened but Big Jones is a pretty solid place too. Nuts to that indeed!

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