Gapers Block published from April 22, 2003 to Jan. 1, 2016. The site will remain up in archive form. Please visit Third Coast Review, a new site by several GB alumni.
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Friday, February 14
Sun Times Often good for unintentional laughs.
Midwest Lab Rescue Cute pictures, occasional shameless anthropomorphizing, funny stories, gratitude.
I am at Cake Farts and at Pudding Farts.
I apologize in advance if I get any of you fired for going to those links.
Don't click on them.
No, seriously.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
Cake Wrecks is frickin' awesome!
I've been spending way too much time looking at African cichlid sites, trying to figure out what species one of my fish is.
Twitter mostly. Just a-crafting the jokes for Twitter to pass the time. Not to actually TELL anyone what I am doing.
Isn't helping, it's where the funniest Twitter posts can be found.
A portfolio of the most attractive workplace interiors (advertising agencies plus) worldwide. Easily my favorite site to waste time. Features voting, and a Chicago agency in the top five most attractive!
The Weekly Teinou Bee Woman
This became my favorite aggregative site of odd things on the net back when the owner maintained a similar site in English. Now there is an English language button. The site is mostly, but not always, work safe and never time safe.
Full Frontal Friday @ blogspot!
I'm adrift because Capital Fax has closed for a week. So mostly I'm checking out Tour de France coverage at
The old standby: Yelp
The guilty pleasures: The Superficial and Perez
the locals: I hate your fashion and Chicagoist
the trib, nyt, twitter, etc etc and definitely gawker. cakewrecks is entertaining.
cant got to a lot of places while at work and defintitely cant stream anything, sadly.
blah blah blah
Hot Chicks with Douchebags, Square America, Last Night's Party, The Time Being.
Pandora Radio
It's taking up way too much of my time!
PageSix for Brain Cotton Candy.
Flickr and for inspiration
Not a whole lot of time for fun.
Next week, though. Fun.
Just offline.
Lotsa fun.
Cake Wrecks...had to stop reading I was laughing too hard!
I am a Yelper. It's a big time waster.
None until you put up that Gigglesnort Hotel link...jesus christ I had completely forgotten about that.
Just seeing the pictures of the characters triggers all these feelings of discomfort.
The guy has a writing style that makes my sides hurt from laughing.
...and now that damn cake website!
Pudding Farts Official Video
Urban Ethos [26]
What is Chicago's "urban ethos"?
Cool Glass of... [16]
What're you drinking?
Supreme Decision [22]
What's your reaction to the Supreme Court's decision on the Affordable Care Act?
Taking it to the Streets [20]
Chicago Street Fairs: Revolting or Awesome?
I Can Be Cruel [9]
Be real: what is the meanest thing you've ever done?
jennifer / July 24, 2008 11:32 AM
my regular sites:,,,,,,,,,
really, not the week to have so many distractions. oy.