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Music & Film Wed Feb 09 2011
Mucca Pazza Hits the Big (-ger) Screen
You may already know that Mucca Pazza, Chicago's own 30-piece, cuckoo-bananas, circus punk marching band, is a whole hell of a lot of fun to see live. But did you know that they want to transfer that magic to film? It's true! The group, along with Chicago-based artists Danièle Wilmouth (filmmaker) and Peter Carpenter (dancer/choreographer), will star in the short film Marching Banned.
This is where you come in: In order to see the light of day, the group is seeking to raise $4k through Kickstarter. As of this writing, they're already more than halfway to the mark, but the trick is if they don't raise enough dough by the end of the allotted amount of time, they don't get any of it. Boo. Check out their hilarious video explaining the project on the Kickstarter site, and give a little, won't ya?