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Concert Wed Mar 21 2007
Nihil Ad Silvum Raglani (don't look it up, it's not Latin)
Andy Ortmann's premier southside avant-noise-house-party venue Nihilist (2255 S. Michigan) is having a big ol' throwdown this Friday (9 p.m. March 23, $5 at door), featuring some rare-as-hens-teeth performances from a few choice out of towners and a few seldom-seen locals.
St. Louis' Joe Raglani runs the Pegasus Farms label, and concocts exquisite spiral skylines (via modular analogue synths) for you to ruminate upon. Champaign, Indiana's Nick Henry unleashes a hail of gold-leaf snowflakes as Silvum; unending walks through crunching snow, dead leaves or dry grass, toward a horizon that keeps receding. Glass Bath, a local duo of Andy Ortmann (Panicsville, Nihilst Records) and Nicole Chambers (NC, Ides Recordings), puncture the silence with flints of sharpened sillica; and starting the whole thing will be dark-wave synth heroes Eavil. Pay the nice man at the door, and thank him on your way out, if you can still form complete sentences after your night-long brain scrambling.