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Concert Sun Mar 15 2009
Tricky @ Logan Square Auditorium, 3/13/09
For his first album in five years, Tricky's return to the city of Chicago would be worth the trek out just to see what has fermented in that smoky brain of his in half a decade. But if you've already heard Knowle West Boy and have made up your mind for better or worse, nostalgia for old favorites would probably draw just as many out of their '90s slumber and into a church on Friday the 13th. As it stands, a last-second venue change nearly lost the crowd (Epiphany had some plumbing issues that moved the show to Logan Square just hours before showtime). But the fans followed, not about to let a pipe or two stop them from five or more years of waiting for one of the '90s most inventive minds. While he's now come and gone, the internet has a few snippets here and there — a video (barely) showing him knocking into his classic cover of Public Enemy's "Black Steel", a note telling of his friendly farewells to the audience.
Our own Kirstie Shanley has some photos of the event for Gapers Block: Transmission.
Eric / March 18, 2009 2:08 PM
Heh, thanks for mentioning my note in your write-up. I have been scouring the internet all over for more information on this show. I have only been able to find your write-up and this review:
I started a setlist at Setlist.fm, but I know I didn't get all of the songs (and they are definitely not in the right order).
Anyway, the show really surprised me. I came in as a fan of trip-hop Tricky and walked out with a new appreciation for the rockstar Tricky. His rock songs definitely translate much better live.
Nice write-up!