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Concert Wed Dec 09 2009
El Vez, Los Straightjackets @ Double Door, Friday, 12/11
The man who might very well be the Latino reincarnation of Elvis (Robert Lopez, better known as El Vez) will once again grace Chicago with his presence on Friday night at the Double Door. He's bringing the very special, the very rock and roll, the very fabulous El Vez "Viva Christmas!" Show to town, and he's got some new friends in tow this year. Backing band (and stars in their own right) Nashville's very own, Los Straightjackets, will be on stage along with the L.A. performer (and the fabulous El Vettes) who's bound to bring it harder than The King himself to the intimate setting on Milwaukee Avenue. But that's not all. El Vez, who's been known to throw costume changes, giant inflatables, and dance routines rivaling Ike and Tina, is also a witty lyricist, rewriting Elvis classics with Spanish lyrics (like "Suspicious Minds" re-visioned as "Immigration Time" or "In the Ghetto" as "En El Barrio"). Not just an Elvis aficionado, he's also a serious political performer, working to aid the struggle for Latino rights as well as other organizations. Friday's show will likely have a very Santa, a very Latino, and a very fabulous vibe. It's Viva Christmas! after all, and it's definitely time to party. It's all about bringing people together. As Lopez says, "When you come to an El Vez show, you walk away proud to be a Mexican," he says. "Even when you're not."
Tickets for the show are $15 and doors open at 8pm (showtime 9pm). Knuckle Dragger opens with surf/metal stylings. 21+ The Double Door is located at 1572 N. Milwaukee Ave. 773-489-3160