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Concert Thu Nov 03 2011
Wooden Shjips @ Empty Bottle, Saturday 11/15
Rock styles certainly seem to have a certain cyclical wax and wane, and it seems that psychedelia is currently on something of an upswing. While there are some great acts feeding the current tide of freak-out rockers, few seem to have gained as much traction, both popular and critical, as Bay Area quartet Wooden Shjips. Fine purveyors of droney space rock since their formation in 2006, the group has reached a new level of exposure with the release of their third album West released on Chicago's own Thrill Jockey label. With mastering by Sonic Boom of Spaceman 3, stand outs in the droney psychedelic rock of the late '80s and '90s, the album is a fuzzy, but focused sonic excursion. The album features a few more straight ahead rockers, which makes it more accessible than some of the bands earlier work, but doesn't muster enough sheen to disappoint garage rock fans who've followed the band to this point.
Wooden Shjips play this Saturday, Nov. 15 at the Empty Bottle, with openers Birds of Avalon and People's Temple starting at 10pm. Tickets are available at EmptyBottle.com $10 (adv), $12 (door). The Empty Bottle is located at 1035 N. Western Ave.