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Stores Mon Apr 22 2013
Record Store Day Recap 2013
Record Store Day 2013 Photos by Josh Mellin
For the last three years, my Record Store Day has started the night before while waiting for Permanent's midnight opening. However, this year was different. (Honestly, I was fine not having to deal with the numerous people walking in and out of Cleo's or Roots asking, "What's up with this line?") I went to bed at a reasonable hour, slept in past 8 a.m. and even found the time for brunch to gameplan with my record shopping pal.
To begin the day, we headed to Hyde Park Records where WHPK was spinning and all used records were 10% off to entice people to not just buy from the day's special releases. (It worked.) Instead of keeping those special releases behind a counter (like almost every other shop), everything was set out in the new releases rack and restocked as items were purchased. The shop was full, but not crowded. A lot of the good stuff (especially new used arrivals) had been picked over thoroughly, but there were still a few gems dug out.
At Saki an hour later, we passed Jim James while walking in and then made note of the Record Store Day release availability board, which every shop should have. After browsing the official official list, I'd been lukewarm, but I was pleased to see a few surprises, like Radar Eyes' "Dreaming of Giants" flexi-vinyl single. With in-store performances all day, Saki was quite full of people shopping and others just hanging out for the sets. Luckily, the people not shopping had the courtesy to let others browse through product. It hasn't always been that way.
This is Record Store Day's seventh year and it's now gotten to the point of any other consumer holiday where the backlash is winding up. Yes, record stores are open other days in a calendar year and new records are officially released every week, but there are few opportunities to assemble consumers anymore. A normal Saturday at Reckless or Dusty Groove has a respectable draw, but nothing quite like the third Saturday in April. And it's not like NewAlbumReleases.net or NoData throws a party when an album leaks. So, despite the eBay flippers and once-a-year shoppers, it's generally a positive. And you and your friends might just come away with a nice haul.