Gapers Block published from April 22, 2003 to Jan. 1, 2016. The site will remain up in archive form. Please visit Third Coast Review, a new site by several GB alumni.
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Sunday, September 15
Chicago Historic Resources Survey: Not included [?]
Year: 1901
Architect: Unlisted
Owner: City of Chicago
Permit Description: Wreck and remove 1 story, single-family, residential building.
Status: Demolition permit issued 4/11/2012
At 660 square feet, this worker cottage is one of the smallest on the block. While the building has been unoccupied for years, it only entered into the 311 system in summer 2011 for a sanitation code violation and being derelict and open. Both of the neighbors informed about the pending demolition thought it was inevitable, given how long the building had been neglected.
Over the course of 2012 David Schalliol produced a photographic portrait of 100 of the hundreds of buildings threatened with demolition in the city of Chicago. Nearly all of the buildings have since been demolished. Visit the background information section for more information about the project, including definitions and links to other building resources.
The series is supported by a generous grant from the Richard H. Driehaus Foundation.